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Volume 8, Issue 3 (Suppl)

J Clin Cell Immunol, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-9899

Euro Immunology 2017

June 29-July 01, 2017

June 29-July 01, 2017 Madrid, Spain




Immunology Conference

PMNs as “Trojan horse” vehicles for

Brucella abortus

persistence in murine bone marrow

María Cristina Gutiérrez-Jiménez, Ricardo Mora-Cartín, Carlos Chacón-Díaz, Esteban Chaves-Olarte, Edgardo Moreno


Elías Barquero-Calvo

University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica


rucella abortus

is a facultative intracellular pathogen that causes chronic infections. Neutrophils (PMNs) are the first cells that



after invasion, however,


resist their killing action and induce premature cell death of these leukocytes.

It has been described that

B. abortus

persist in bone marrow at chronic stages of infection. Nevertheless, the role of PMNs in bone

marrow persistence has not been studied. Here we show that

B. abortus

organisms are able to persist in murine bone marrow even at

the “declining stages of chronic infection”.

B. abortus

were observed inside a PMN/monocyte cell type at very low rates. Additionally,

we demonstrate that murine bone marrow PMNs phagocyte antibody-opsonized

B. abortus

and die quickly after infection. These

dying infected PMNs show increased adhesion and are readily taken up by RAW 264.7 macrophages. When

ex vivo


infections were performed,

B. abortus

were more infective and replicated at higher rates when macrophages were infected through

PMNs than when infected with


only. In general, proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines showed increased values

in macrophages infected through PMNs; but only after 24 hours of infection, when


has already reached their replication

niche inside the cell. Our results support the notion that infected bone marrow PMN might behave as vectors for



in bone marrow in a non-logistic way.


María Cristina Gutiérrez-Jiménez is a Master’s student of the University of Costa Rica. She is developing a research project on different Immunology aspects,

regarding the infectious disease called brucellosis. Her work's main objective is to study the role of polymorphonuclear neutrophils as “Trojan Horse” vehicles

during brucellosis, using a bone marrow murine model and the chronicity and persistence of the disease. She has acquired expertise in ELISA, flow cytometry,

bacterial infections, cell culture, cell differentiation, cell infection through cells and fluorescence microscopy. She has co-authored a publication regarding the role

of neutrophils during brucellosis.

María Cristina Gutiérrez-Jiménez et al., J Clin Cell Immunol 2017, 8:3(Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9899-C1-037