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Euro Biotechnology 2016
November 07-09, 2016
Volume 6, Issue 7(Suppl)
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
November 07-09, 2016 Alicante, Spain
Euro Biotechnology Congress
Maia Kukhaleishvili et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-952X.C1.065Hormonal treatment effect in combination with sucrose on
in vitro
potato varieties
Maia Kukhaleishvili, Iveta Megrelishvili, Ekaterine Bulauri and Tamar Chipashvili
Georgian Technical University, Georgia
n vitro
plant reproduction widely used in agriculture and biotechnology and has a great advantage compared to traditional
breeding methods allows to obtain get planting material in a short-term and plant reproduction can be conducted throughout
the year. The present investigation was carried out to select best MS medium protocol and identify perfect hormonal/sucrose
combination for three varieties of potato (
Solanum tuberosum
L): “Nevski”, “Riviera” and “Zefira” for their
in vitro
Potato varieties were studied on three types of MS medium: MS+30 g/l sucrose (6% MS medium), 6% MS medium +1 mg/l
BAP+0.05 mg/l IBA and 6% MS medium+1 mg/l BAP+0.1 mg/l IBA. It was revealed that high concentration of IBA has
negative effect on plants development, respectively 6%MS medium+1 mg/l BA+0.1 mg/l IBA was not optimal neither cultivars
of potato. According to the results cultivars Zefira and Riviera had maximum potential for
in vitro
rooting (correspondingly:
82.97% and 100%) and shoots (100% and 87.34%) formation on 6% MS medium+1 mg/l BA+0.05 mg/l IBA but Nevsky
gave maximum development (rooting 82% and shoot formation 87%) on 6% MS medium. In conclusion, both hormones
combination presented in experiment with 30 g/l sucrose showed optimal result on
in vitro
growing potato cultivars Zefira
and Riviera but best
in vitro
cultivation of Nevsky was revealed MS medium supplemented only 30 g/l sucrose without growth
hormones, probably Nevsky has ability to produce itself the amount of hormones which is necessary for its normal growing.
Maia Kukhaleishvili has completed his PhD from St. Andrew the First Called Georgian University of the Patriarchate of Georgia. She is the Director of Georgian
Technical University, Biotechnology Center, Scientific-Research Center. She has published more than 15 papers in reputed journals and has great experiences in
agriculture and biotechnology sphere.
maia.kukh@gmail.com, maia_kukh@yahoo.com