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Euro Biotechnology 2016

November 07-09, 2016

Volume 6, Issue 7(Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal



November 07-09, 2016 Alicante, Spain



Euro Biotechnology Congress

Bousba Ratiba, J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:7(Suppl)

Use of defense mechanisms to quantify resistance of wheat genotypes to drought

Bousba Ratiba

Constantine University, Algeria


urvival and productivity of crop plants exposed to environmental stresses are dependent on their ability to develop adaptive

mechanisms to avoid tolerate stress. This study was following to find characters of resistant under drought stress, it was

carried out to study the influence of water deficit in the leaves and roots of durum wheat plants were grown in hydroponic

medium and were subjected to different water treatment. At the third leaf emergence stage two genotypes are compared with

each other for their tolerance and their biochemical and physiological responses to water deficit. The following parameters are

measured superoxide dismutase SOD: Activity, malondialdehyde MDA content, hydrogen peroxide H2O2 level, the content

of anthocyanins and chlorophyll. These parameters made difference between genotypes. Thus, this attributes can be used as

screening tool for drought tolerance in wheat. They lend full support to results presented by researchers showing that wheat

lines can differ consistently for their defensive mechanism. These results also emphasize the important role of secondary

metabolites that are anthocyanin in the defense against oxidative stress caused by abiotic stress in the detoxification of reactive

oxygen species (ROS) under stress conditions.


Bousba Ratiba has received her degree in 2012 in plant physiology and biochemistry from Constantine University. She is life member of network durum wheat

research and her current research interests include: abiotic stress, molecular marker, plant physiology and plant biotechnology. Presently she is assistant professor

at Constantine University and published six papers. She is reviewer in many journals of plant crop research, genetics and physiology. She has done many handouts

on mycorhyses, symbiosis and QTL cartography and genetic association phenotype genotype in durum wheat.