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Euro Biotechnology 2016

November 07-09, 2016

Volume 6, Issue 7(Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal



November 07-09, 2016 Alicante, Spain



Euro Biotechnology Congress

Application of natural dye (neem) on silk fabric before and after exposure to UV/ozone

Nabawia A Abd Elzaher


, Ebtsam S Al-Amoudy


and Amal A El-Ebissy



National Institute for Standards, Egypt


King Abdulaziz University, KSA


eem plant as a source of natural dye was used to dye silk fabrics. This plant has not been exploited as natural dye by

far. Optimization of natural dye extraction from leaves with respect to dye bath concentration to aid exhaustion was

done. The effect of changed dye bath concentration on the reflectance spectra was followed using spectrophotometer tool. The

changes in the optical parameters including the CIE tristimulus values, color parameters, absorption coefficient, absorption

edge, band tail width, optical band gap, extinction coefficient and color strength were determined as a function of UV/ozone

exposure times. The data obtained indicated that the color parameters were highly affected by changing dye concentration

by this new dye. Finding shows that the natural dye extracted from leaves have good potential in textiles dyeing and can be

exploited further. So, the present work gives the chance to produce different hues from a new traditional natural dye to improve

the natural dyeing cultural heritage to meet the environmental future demands technology of high quality fantastic dyed

pattern through an economical point of view.

J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:7(Suppl)