Volume 6, Issue 4 (Suppl)
Clin Pharmacol Biopharm, an open access journal
ISSN: 2167-065X
Page 90
Euro Biopharma & Ethnopharmacology 2017
November 09-11, 2017
International Conference and Exhibition on
November 09-11, 2017 Vienna, Austria
Joint Event
Medicaments and pregnancy
Tomo Igor
Raganová Andrea, Kriška Milan
, Bartekova Katarina
Bohmer Daniel
University in Bratislava, Slovakia
University in Bratislava, Slovakia
rugs administered during pregnancy there are in interest of professionals as they could influence embryogenesis.
These can have temporary or permanent effects on the fetus development. Any drug with relation a dose can act during
embryonic or fetal development to produce a permanent alteration of form or function. Study this problems in the territory of
Slovakia our retrospective study was performed between May 2016 and November 2016. Amethod of questioning concerning
pregnant women about their drug consumption. The examined group consisted of 300 women becoming from region of
Bratislava. The data recovered from questionnaire were obtained up to 4 days after delivery. The data were statistically analysed.
Based on the results of this study no statistically significant correlation was found between drug intake during pregnancy and
increase in prevalence of the congenital malformations in the group. However the causal coincidence between drug intake
and congenital disorder is rather difficult to establish. The number of drug consuments in the region of Bratislava reached
88%. That includes also a group of consuments of supplements. Women that consumed vitamins, minerals and Fe form 49%
of all examined women. Pregnant women which used vitamins during the first trimester were 32% of all. The group of women
that used Fe in the third trimester was 40% of all examined women. The most frequently used drugs except supplements were
hormones in 11%, anticoagulants in 7% and antibiotics in 5%. Similar studies with pregnant women performed in the U.S.A.
or in Western Europe have shown higher exposition levels of the prescription drugs. The choice of drugs used in different
countries is also quite specific, which makes extrapolation between countries rather difficult. The drug registration process,
prescription customs, drug availability etc. also needs to be taken in consideration.
Clin Pharmacol Biopharm 2017, 6:4(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2167-065X-C1-026