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Euro Biotechnology 2016
November 07-09, 2016
Volume 6, Issue 7(Suppl)
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
November 07-09, 2016 Alicante, Spain
Euro Biotechnology Congress
Fabrizio Muzi et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-952X.C1.064Carboxytherapy: New approach in conservative treatment of Peyronie’s disease
Fabrizio Muzi and Tati G
University of Tor Vergata, Italy
eyronie’s disease (PD) is an acquired disorder of tunica albuginea characterized by the formation of plaques of fibrous tissue
often associated to symptoms like erectile dysfunction (ED) and coital pain. The inflammatory process is unknown, even
if it is known that activated inflammatory cells produce many radicals of Oxygen (ROS), leading to fibroblast proliferation
and collagen synthesis. Endothelian dysfunction is the responsible of inflammatory chain reaction in which an inflammatory
protein, NF-kB seems involved in ROS synthesis. Conservative treatments (laser, ultrasound, iono/iontophoresis) seem to have
poor therapeutic effects in PD. Clinical studies have indicated that altered CO2 levels can impact upon disease progression.
CO2 levels can be sensed by cells resulting in the initiation of pathophysiologic responses with a sensible reduction of oxidative
phenomena (Bohr/Haldane effects). We have tried carboxytherapy by using sovrapubic subcutaneous injection of sterile CO2
gas in 25 patients aged from 40 to 65, affected by PD. After the cycle of treatment of 15 weekly applications, we have observed
in all patients a subjective reduction of penile deviation, an improvement of quality of erections and a sensible reduction of
plaque's dimensions, documented by ultrasound controls and IIEF questionary before and after the end of cycle. We should
consider CO2 as a powerful antioxidant against endothelian dysfunction and oxidative stress. NF-kB is a target of CO2
antioxidant power. Preliminary qualitative results could encourage an extended use of carboxytherapy in PD treatment.
Fabrizio Muzi has completed his studies as General Surgeon from Tor Vergata University of Rome. He works in the Department of Oncologic Urology as an
Assistant of the Director Prof. Gaetano Tati. He has completed his Master’s degree in Andrology from Pisa University and in Surgical Andrology from Trieste
University. He has published some papers and participated in national congresses related about the use of gas therapy in urology.