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Euro Biotechnology 2016
November 07-09, 2016
Volume 6, Issue 7(Suppl)
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
November 07-09, 2016 Alicante, Spain
Euro Biotechnology Congress
S Padma et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-952X.C1.064Role of plant tissue culture in conservation and reintroduction of
Sauropus androgynous
(L.) Merr
S Padma and D H Tejavathi
Bangalore University, India
n order to bring about sustainable resource conservation, management and improvement of useful medicinal plants, it is
essential to adopt different economical approaches. One such basic approach includes plant tissue culture which forms an
integral part of any plant biotechnological activity. In this regard one of the most important Southeast Asian plant
was subjected to few tissue culture procedures in order to conserve and reintroduce its improved version. Recent
advances in the development of protocols for
in vitro
culture and genetic manipulation have provided new avenues for the
development of novel varieties of
Sauropus androgynous
S. androgynous
is a member of Euphorbiaceae, popularized as
multivitamin plant and consumed as green leafy vegetable due to its rich nutritional profile including proteins, vitamins,
minerals, essential amino acids, etc. The plant is cautioned for excessive consumption due to the presence of Papaverine
alkaloid which at higher concentration leads to Bronchiolitis obliterans. Optimized techniques of nodal cultures on Murashige
and Skoog’s and Phillips and Collins media with various growth regulators has supplemented the conventional propagation
methods in commercial production resulting in availability of improved
through both organogenesis and somatic
embryogenesis. The development of regeneration systems for
S. androgynous
has opened possibilities for developing genotypes
with novel characters including low quantity Papaverine content which has facilitated conventional improvement programs
thereby providing a valuable resource to the food a pharmaceutical industry. Based on this research, plant tissue culture
techniques show promise for economical and convenient application in
Sauropus androgynous
S Padma has completed her PhD degree in the year 2013 under the guidance of Dr. D. H. Tejavathi on
In vitro
regeneration and phytochemical studies in
(L.) Merr. She was awarded with a Research Fellowship in Science for meritorious students under UGC NON-SAP program. She has published three
papers in national and international journals and has made presentations on her research work at many international and national conferences. She was conferred
with “Young Scientist Award” at 4
international conference on medicinal plants and herbal products held at Johns Hopkins University, USA. 2012.