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Euro Biotechnology 2016
November 07-09, 2016
Volume 6, Issue 7(Suppl)
J Biotechnol Biomater
ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal
November 07-09, 2016 Alicante, Spain
Euro Biotechnology Congress
Jose Manuel Guisan et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-952X.C1.064Stabilization of industrial enzymes by coating of their surfaces with hydrophilic viscous polymers
Jose Manuel Guisan, Sonia Moreno-Perez, Alejandro Herrera, Maria Romero, Lara Trobo, Roberto Munilla and Gloria Fernandez-Lorente
Spanish Research Council, Spain
he physicochemical coating of enzyme surfaces with viscous polymers greatly improves the stability of enzymes against
distorting agents (heat, organic solvents, lipids, etc.). Different coating approaches are discussed: (1) Utilization of dextran-
aldehyde (chemically attached to the enzymes) as scaffolds to design highly viscous polymers: Dextran-PEG, dextran-glycine,
dextran-PEG-glycine, dextran-PEG-polyethyleneimine, etc. (2) Direct coating with polyethyleneimine, additional adsorption
of dextran sulfate and additional modification with PEG-aldehyde, etc. Enzymes are firstly stabilized by multipoint covalent
attachment and lipases are stabilized by interfacial adsorption on different hydrophobic supports. Different lipases were tested
as well as different endoxylanases. The highest stabilizing effects were observed at room temperature (higher viscosity of the
coating polymers) with hydrophilic viscous polymers. The enzymes were highly stabilized in aqueous and anhydrous media.
For example, lipase from
Rhizomucor miehie
was stabilized 1000 fold regarding the unmodified enzyme. The highly stabilized
derivative was very useful to synthesize sn-2 docosahexaenyl monoacylglycerol, a very interesting food ingredient.
Jose Manuel Guisan has completed his PhD in Biochemistry at University Autonoma of Madrid in 1979. Currently he is a full Professor at Spanish Research Council
(CSIC) since 2001 and a Visiting Professor at St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical School. His research activities include a total of 400 papers in books and journals
(in more than 90% as corresponding author) and 25 patent applications.