Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Biomaterials 2018
March 05-06, 2018
Page 74
March 05-06, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
Annual Conference and Expo on
Bernhard Mingler, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-087
Biomaterials with unique properties for implant applications
qual Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) is an innovative processing technology for the production of metallic biomaterials
with unique properties. It leads to a strong grain refinement of bulk crystalline materials down to the sub-micrometer range by
means of very large, multidimensional plastic deformation under enhanced hydrostatic pressure. The modified microstructure of
ECAP-processed biomaterials is the reason for high strength combined with good ductility. Such high-performance biomaterials
are very promising candidates for applications in high-loaded implants, for longer implant lifespans, for the miniaturization of
implants and for completely new implant concepts. The effects of ECAP are presented on the examples of commercially pure (CP)-
titanium and special Mg-alloys. CP-Ti is a commonly used implant material especially in dentistry. In this field of application,
the Ti-alloy Ti6Al4V-ELI is avoided because of its problematic alloying elements aluminum and vanadium. Nevertheless, for
many dental applications a higher strength than that of CP-Ti is requested. Using ECAP and tailored optional post-processing we
achieved in CP-Ti ultimate tensile strengths >1000 MPa, which is stronger than the Ti-alloy. A further very important effect of
ECAP is that it produces a very homogeneous ultrafine grain structure and consequently very homogeneous mechanical property
across the whole work piece. The ideal material for biodegradable implants must combine high biocompatibility, application-
oriented degradation rate and excellent mechanical properties especially for load bearing applications. To achieve all these goals,
we used a newly developed double-ECAP tool to process a special low alloyedMg alloy which was developed and produced at AIT.
The double-ECAP tool consists of three channels with two intersection angles and offers exceptional high deformation efficiency.
By using it, the ultimate tensile strength of a ZX00 Mg alloy could be raised to unprecedented strength values of about 400 MPa.
Figure 1: Principle of Equal Channel Angular Pressing ECAP (left); stress strain curves of CP-Ti in different conditions in comparison with
Ti6Al4V- ELI. CP-Ti grade 4 after ECAP + extrusion is stronger than the Ti alloy
Recent publications
Bernhard Mingler
Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH, Austria