Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Biomaterials 2018
March 05-06, 2018
Page 42
March 05-06, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
Annual Conference and Expo on
Dmitry Volodkin, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-087
Planar and curved self-assembled polymer multilayers - novel approaches for biomolecule
immobilization and release on demand
olymer-based and composite multilayers have been widely used over the past decade towards biological and non-biological
applications. Our research is focused on assembly of 2D and 3D multilayer structures (planar films and capsules) aiming
at biological applications. Such tailor-made structures have fine-tuned architecture, controlled thickness from nano to micro,
adjusted softness from Pa to GPa, and almost unlimited variety of functional compounds. In this talk I present our recent findings
in themechanismof multilayer assembly, physical-chemical approaches to immobilize biomolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, small
drugs, etc) and to release/deliver the biomolecules in controlled manner. The externally triggered release on demand by IR-laser
light and cellular studies including extra- and intra-cellular delivery is considered. The developed structures offering localized,
remote, and non-invasive release of biomolecules are indispensable for applications in diagnostics, toxicology, tissue engineering,
and especially for single cell studies where high precision of biomolecule delivery in space and time is highly desirable.
Figure 1: Schematics showing main physical-chemical aspects studied for polymer multilayers aiming at drug delivery applications
Dmitry Volodkin
Nottingham Trent University, UK