Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Biomaterials 2018
March 05-06, 2018
Page 75
March 05-06, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
Annual Conference and Expo on
1. Draxler J, Martinelli E, Weinberg A, Zitek A, Irrgeher J et al. (2017) The potential of isotopically enriched magnesium to
study bone implant degradation
in vivo
. Acta Biomaterialia. 51:526-536.
2. Mingler B, Krystian M, Horky J, Bammer M (2016) High-strength biomaterials for implants. Biomed Tech 2016; 61 (s4)
© by Walter de Gruyter • Berlin • Boston. DOI 10.1515/bmt-2016-5000 S4.
3. Krystian M, Bryla K, Horky J, Mingler B (2017) Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) of hollow profiles made of
titanium. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 194:1-6.
4. Hofstetter J, Rüedi S, Baumgartner I, Kilian H, Mingler et al. (2015) Processing and microstructure-property relations of
high-strength low-alloy (HSLA) Mg-Zn-Ca alloys. Acta Materialia. 98:423-432.
5. Krystian M, Bryla K, Horky J, Mingler B (2016) New developments in Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) of Mg
alloys. eCMMeeting Abstracts 2016, Collection 7; 8th Biometal (page 4).
B Mingler studied physics at the University of Vienna, where he also worked and taught as Assistant Professor mainly in the field of Materials Science. Since 2009 he works
at the Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH in the Center for Health & Bioresources. In his function as Senior Scientist and Thematic Coordinator he has his expertise
in design and application of biocompatible and biodegradable metals and alloys, their characterization in respect of microstructure, mechanical, corrosive and biological
properties as well as in theory and implementation of severe plastic deformation (ECAP, HPT) and characterization of ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline materials. He
was the Project Manager of several contract research projects and funded projects and currently heads Research Studio Austria and the strategic lead project. He is co-
inventor of several patents dealing with special Mg alloys and ECAP designs and applications