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Volume 4

Toxicology: Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067

Toxicology Congress 2018

March 12-14, 2018

March 12-14, 2018 Singapore



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

Synthetic bacteriophages as nanoparticles for intravenous administration of targeted gene therapy

for cancer

Keith Potent


, Armand Sinclair



Monash University, Australia


Novother Cancer Research, New Zealand


e present a first in human case of a 50 year-old patient with end-stage metastatic ovarian cancer infused with a novel,

intravenously administered, synthetically engineered bacteriophage-based gene therapy (Metavec) for metastatic solid

malignancies. Compared to mammalian virus-based delivery vehicles, bacteriophage-based vectors bring many preferable

features for treatment in humans. Their genomes have been extensively sequenced and, with modern technologies, they are

relatively malleable allowing them to be extensively modified. Unlike mammalian viruses, bacteriophages are not natural

pathogens to humans yet their capsid can have equivocal cargo carrying capacity. To the authors’ best knowledge, no other

bacteriophage-based applications have succeeded with intravenous administration. This advance in nanotechnology and novel

approach could revolutionize medical care. The patient we discuss received a dose-escalating regime up to 1x1011 particles per

dose, three times a week for three weeks. The infusions were very well tolerated. Symptoms include nausea, low-grade fever,

and also discomfort in areas where larger tumors were present. Post-infusion investigations included serum biochemistry,

serum tumor markers, and computed tomography. The paradigm shift, results, and discussion will be presented.


Keith Potent is currently a PhD candidate in Translational Research at Monash University. After completing undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Chemistry,

Dr Potent has completed his medical degree. He is a practicing doctor in Queensland.

Keith Potent et al., Toxicol Open Access 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2476-2067-C1-005