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Volume 4

Toxicology: Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067

Toxicology Congress 2018

March 12-14, 2018

March 12-14, 2018 Singapore



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

Evaluation of oxidative stress effect for

in vitro

maturated cow oocytes through gene expression quantification

Camelia Tulcan, Calin Mircu, Ioan Hutu, Cornel Balta, Popescu Sorina, Marc Simona, Alexa Ersilia and Oana-Maria Boldura

Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania


n the current assisted reproductive practice in cows the IVF technique is used in

increasing proportion. However, the used methods are not always standardized

and are needed to be improved. The first challenge in optimization of IVF techniques

is obtaining mature oocytes by growing them in culture media and by this to preserve

their high fertilization quality. A crucial factor in improving IVF results is the

prevention of oocytes from

in vitro

cultivation stress effects. In the presented study

the beneficial effect of antioxidant supplementation in maturation culture media of

cow oocytes was evaluated by apoptotic genes expression quantification. The oocytes

were cultivated for 24 hours on conventional (control variant), supplemented with

rosmarinic acid (RA variant) and ascorbic acid (C variant), maturation media.

The oocytes were classified in three quality classes by morphological observation

from which the total RNA was isolated. Quantitative PCR technique was used for

quantification of BAX and BCL2 apoptotic genes expression. Results of qPCR were

interpreted by Δ (ΔCt) method. The ratio BCL2/BAX was considered as an indicator

of maturated oocytes homeostasis. Antioxidants culture media supplementation

resulted in a better expansion of cumulus cells. The level of expression of the BAX

gene has an increasing trend in all COC’s, inversely proportional to oocyte quality,

indicating the overcoming of cell adaptation process for the inferior class. Regarding

the BCL2 gene, significantly higher expression levels can be observed in class

I oocytes supplemented with antioxidants. The level of maintenance of cell homeostasis, as reflected by the ratio of BAX/

BCL-2, with a value above 7, indicates that apoptotic processes have been installed in all class III oocytes. Supplementation

with antioxidants exerts a beneficial effect on inferior class cells, which have a high stress level, to some extent assuring their

protection, indicating the effectiveness of administering this supplement.


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in vitro

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In vitro

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maturation of oocytes and cleavage rates of

in vitro

produced Indian buffalo

(Bubalus bubalis)




84(5): 459-474.


Camelia Tulcan is an Assistant Professor at Biochemistry Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara and Coordinator of Antioxidant Research Lab-

Horia Cernescu Research Unit. She has expertise in oxidative stress evaluation in different physiological or pathological condition and was involved in management

team of research infrastructure project and in implementation of quality management systems.,

Camelia Tulcan et al., Toxicol Open Access 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2476-2067-C1-006


BAX and BCL2 gene expression

maturated oocytes. a- BCL2 gene expression for AR

samples; b - BAX gene expression for AR samples;

c - BCL2 gene expression for C samples; b - BAX

gene expression for C samples; e - BAX/BCL2 genes

expression ratio for AR samples; d - BAX/BCL2

genes expression ratio for C samples.