Page 95
Volume 6
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy
ISSN: 2332-0877
Infection Congress 2018
March 01-02, 2018
March 01-02, 2018 Berlin, Germany
International Congress on
J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-039
Promastigote existence in infected lesions of cutaneous leishmaniasis
Mohammed Wael Daboul
Damascus University, Saudi Arabia
eishmaniasis is an endemic parasitic disease in 88 countries. It is widely distributed throughout the world, caused by vector-
borne, obligate, intracellular hemoflagellates of the genus Leishmania. The parasite continues its life cycle transforming to
promastigote in the mid gut of the sand fly vector and is transmitted to the human host in the form of promastigote via the
bite of the sand fly. Other less encountered forms of transmission are because of a laboratory accident, direct person-to-person
transmission, organ transplant and blood transfusion. There is evidence that leishmaniasis may be transmitted either in utero
or during the peripartum period. The promastigote form is considered the primary organism of disease transmission between
the vector and the host. By not having a chance to continue its life cycle and transform into promastigote within the vector
sand fly when considering the many different routes of transmission other than the sand fly bites, it is reasonable to assume
an alternative possible existence of the promastigote form of the parasite in the infected lesion of cutaneous leishmaniasis
in human host. The information presented indicates that a real transformation of amastigote to promastigote form occurs
within the human host cutaneous lesion in the extracellular fluid after the macrophage membrane eruption and the amastigote
release. New techniques are recommended for future studies to confirm these findings including real-time polymerase chain
reaction (PCR) and applying the immunohistochemistry techniques using a novel monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the
parasite flagellate (promastigote form) cell wall component