Page 94
Volume 6
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy
ISSN: 2332-0877
Infection Congress 2018
March 01-02, 2018
March 01-02, 2018 Berlin, Germany
International Congress on
J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-039
The efficiency of good and clear communication between the radiology technologist and patient with
infectious disease prior the radiology procedure in improving the infectious disease diagnostic and
infection control
Hissa Mohammed
Communicable Disease Center, Qatar
Through good and clear communication with patients of infectious diseases before they undergo radiology
procedures, the rate of spread of an infection can be reduced significantly or further spread prevented. Communication allows
the patients to understand and appreciate the precautions they need to take to prevent the spread of the infection to others.
The purpose of communication is to make patients understand the seriousness of the infections they have. It should
allow the patient an opportunity to participate in the campaign against the virus by equipping them with information on how
to prevent the spread. It should additionally help them familiarize with the diagnostic procedure.
Qualified and tested people should give appropriate explanations of prevention methods and radiology procedures.
Radiology should be employed in their treatment. The essential elements in the process include radiology personnel, radiology
equipment, and the patient. The method of radiology depends on the machine used and includes X-ray, CT-scan, SPECT-scan
among others.
The results of the effective communication with infectious disease patients get to understand the radiology process
and learn techniques and practices that help them prevent the spread of the infection.
Effective communication with infectious disease patients is the key towards reducing the rate of the infections’
spread. Communication assists patients to understand how to cope with the infection and its progression or otherwise. The
method is through radiology and involves personnel to explain prevention techniques, and radiology equipment and personnel
for diagnosis. It results in reduced infection rates