Page 91
Volume 6
Journal of Infectious Diseases and Therapy
ISSN: 2332-0877
Infection Congress 2018
March 01-02, 2018
March 01-02, 2018 Berlin, Germany
International Congress on
J Infect Dis Ther 2018, Volume 6
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-039
Bilharzial urinary bladder carcinoma in Egyptian population: Epidemiological trending changing
traditional management
Gamal M Saied
Cairo University, Egypt
The objective of this study is to validate the new clinicopathological features of bilharzial and non-bilharzial
urinary bladder carcinoma in Egyptian population. These features are caused by altered epidemiology, and proposed to have
reflection on management.
Patients & Methods:
Timely contributions of leading Egyptian experts in domicile post-Bilharzial bladder cancer (last 4
decades) were reviewed. Additionally, 102 patients were studied in two subsets A&B based on a preplanned treatment
modality: cystectomy facing transurethral resection plus radiotherapy. Observation on gross and microscopic features and
their reflection on treatment decision are recorded.
An overview of the aforementioned studies is given, demonstrating a striking change in the characteristic features
of bladder carcinoma in Egypt, more obvious in 2007 and after. In the present work, 65% of patients had their tumors in a
bilharzial bladder where walls demonstrated the classical cystoscopy features of the disease, while 35% had their tumors in a
non bilharzial one. Group A patients were treated by cystectomy carrying 7.7% perioperative mortality, whereas patients in
group B received sensitized radiotherapy preceded by transurethral resection.
Bladder cancer in Egyptian patients has lost its peculiar features imposed by chronic bilharzial cystitis, shifting
towards traditional types suitable for organ preserving management