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Volume 7, Issue 1 (Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal

March 20-21, 2017 Rome, Italy




World Congress on



International Conference on

Biotechnology And Biotech Industries Meet

Enzymology and Molecular Biology

Enzymology & Mol. Biology 2017

Biotechnology Congress 2017

March 20-21, 2017

The investigation of effects of commercial protease and

Bacillus subtilis

168 E6-5 protease on felting and

dyeing behaviour of 100% wool fabric

Tuba Sevgi, Elif Demirkan, Dilek Kut


Meral Dogan

Uludag University, Turkey


n this study, a novel bacterial strain with high protease activity (210 U/ml) was isolated from soil, and then identified by its

morphological character and 16S rRNA sequence, and named

Bacillus subtilis

168 E6-5.


protease enzyme and commercial

protease enzyme were applied to 100% raw wool fabric and bleached wool fabric. After dyeing with acid dyes, changes in the size

of the fabric and color yields were measured. Protease was purified by dialysis+lyophilization, and applied on dyed wool fabric and

felting shrinkage values were measured. Enzyme treated and dyed wool fabric possess 8%, however non-treated wool fabric has 11%

of felting shrinkage value just after dyeing step. After performing five repeated washing, the enzyme treated raw fabric has 12% and the

non-treated raw fabric has 15%. After pre-washing, bleaching and dyeing steps, the felting shrinkage value of the enzyme treated wool

fabric was 9%, while non-treated one was 11%. After the processes of pre-treatment, bleaching and dying the K/S value indicating

the colour yield of the fabric was measued. The K/S value of the wool fabric that was treated with enzyme before the processes of

pretreatment, bleaching and dying was 31.68, while the non-enzyme-treated wool fabric has 26.33. Enzyme application increased the

colour yield. This study suggests that the


protease enzyme shows better results in behaviours of felting and dying than the

commercial protease enzyme and applicable on wool fabrics. Therefore, this protease enzyme has potential in textile industry.


Tuba Sevgi has completed her MSc from Technical University of Kaiserslautern in Molecular Biotechnology and Systems Biology, Germany. Currently, she is doing

her PhD in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Uludag University. She is a Research Assistant in the Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts

and Sciences, Uludag University.

Tuba Sevgi et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2017, 7:1(Suppl)