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Volume 8

Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology

EnviTox Summit 2018

September 17-18, 2018

September 17-18, 2018 Singapore



Global Summit on

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

J Environ Anal Toxicol 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525-C2-015

Anti-coccidial effect of garlic (


) andginger (

Zingiber officinale

) against experimentally

induced coccidiosis in broiler chickens

Rifat Ullah Khan, Naila Chand and Majid Ali

The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan


he present study was designed to find the effect of ginger and garlic on the performance and integrity of gut in experimentally

induced coccidiosis in broiler chickens. A total of two hundred day-old Hubbard broiler chicks were divided into six equal

groups as following- T1, control (basal diet only); T2, infected-untreated (positive control); T3, infected and supplemented

with garlic at 15 g/kg feed; T4, infected and supplemented with gingers at 5 g/kg feed; T5, infected and treated with amprolium

hydrochloride at 1.25 g/liter drinking water; T6, infected and supplemented with mixture of garlic and ginger at the rate of

2.5 and 7.5 g/kg feed. The results showed that feed intake, body weight and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) was significantly

(P<0.05) high in ginger and garlic supplemented birds compared to the positive control. Similarly, oocysts shedding, lesion

score and histopathology of the small intestines improved in ginger and garlic supplemented birds after induced-infection

in broiler. The findings of the present study showed that ginger and garlic produced encouraging results in comparison to

amprolium in broiler chickens infected with experimental coccidiosis.