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Volume 8

Journal of Environmental & Analytical Toxicology

EnviTox Summit 2018

September 17-18, 2018

September 17-18, 2018 Singapore



Global Summit on

Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology

Carlos Medina Saldivar et al., J Environ Anal Toxicol 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525-C2-015

Post-harvest evaluation of dimethoate, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos by CG-ECD in Peruvian

varieties of

Chenopodium quinoa


Fredy Enrique Quispe Jacobo, Carlos Medina Saldivar and Chirinos Pajuelo Diego

National Institute of Agrarian Innovation, Peru


henopodium quinoa

is an important nutritional Andean grain produced by farmers in Peruvian highlands and Plateau.

In the last years, new crops like


in Peruvian coast have been cultivated due to increasing of worldwide demand



. However, the growing under this agro climatic condition,


was more sensitive to plague attacks and fungus

infection, for those reasons farmers increasing the use of pesticides, which in many cases exceeded the maximum residue

limits established by international organizations in food and feed. The purpose of this study was the post-harvest evaluation

of dimethoate, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos by Gas Chromatography coupled with Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD)

using a solid phase extraction in seeds of four varieties of Peruvian


. The study began with the development, optimization

and validation of the method for determining the levels of dimethoate, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos in the post-harvest

stage of Salcedo, Quillahuaman, Santa Ana and Altiplano


varieties, which were harvested in conventional and organic

field at the central coast of Peru (Lima). Validation by CG-ECD shows pesticides recovery percentages between 98.98 and

118.44% with relative standard deviation up to 10.5%, significant correlation coefficients (≥0.9979) and limits of quantification

(≥5.402 ppb) were observed in the


seeds, which meet the standard validation parameters of the European commission.

The evaluation of chlorothalonil in Quillahuman and Santa Ana at conventional field exceeded the maximum residue level

allowed, however three months later the concentration of the pesticides used in the culture decreased significantly. In the case

of organic field the pesticides were not observed. The gas chromatography coupled with electron capture detector can be used

to determine the levels of dimethoate, chlorothalonil and chlorpyrifos in


seeds. Recommendations are to determine the

levels of these pesticides in the Peruvian market.


1. Liu Z, Qi P, Wang X, Wang Z, Xu X, Chen W, et al. (2017) Multi-pesticides residue analysis of grains using modified

magnetic nanoparticle adsorbent for facile and efficient cleanup. Food Chemistry; 230: 423-431.

2. Ortega Barriga R E, Zamallora Cuba W A, Tornisielo V L, Zirena Vilca F (2016) Determination of organo-chlorine

pesticides in organic


grains (

Chenopodium quinoa

Willd) by GC-μECD, using the QuEChERS method. Revista de

Investigación Altoandina; 18 (1): 19-26.


Fredy Enrique Quispe Jacobo is a researcher from National Institute of Agrarian Innovation (INIA). He has expertise in Researching and Technological Development

(RTD) of Natural and Agro industrial products. He is a leader of Nutritional Area from Genetic Resources and Biotechnology Division at INIA, and with his team

executes Projects to know the nutritional contents, minerals, and functional properties of genetic resources, likewise pesticide residuals used in the production at
