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Assessing carbon pools
of three indigenous
agroforestry systems of
south eastern rift valley
landscapes, Ethiopia
Hafte Mebrahten Tesfay
, Mesele Negash
Herbert Hager
Boku University of Natural
Resources and Life Sciences, Austria
Hawassa University Wondo-genet
College of Forestry and Natural
Resources, Ethiopia
ncreasing the size of the
global terrestrial sink is
one strategy for mitigation
of Co
concentration in
the atmosphere. The most
significant increases in C
storage can be achieved by
moving from lower biomass
land-use systems to tree-based
systems like agroforestry
systems. Reports indicated that
1.1–2.2x109 t C couldbe removed
fromtheatmosphereover thenext
50years if agroforestry systems
are implemented on a global
scale. However, estimation of
carbon stocks in indigenous
agroforestry systems of South-
eastern Rift-valley landscapes,
Ethiopia remains unexplored.
Therefore, the study was
aimed to investigate above
ground and below ground
biomass, below ground
and above ground biomass
carbon, soil organic carbon
and total carbon stock of
three indigenous agroforestry
systems namely (Enset based,
Enset-coffee based and
Coffee-Fruit tree-Enset based).
The study was conducted
in three selected sites of
Dilla zuria district of Gedeo
zone. For each agroforestry
system, 20 farms(total
of 60) representative of
each agroforestry system
was randomly selected
and inventoried. Different
allometric equations were
used for estimation and
data was analyzed by IBM
SPSS version 22 (SPSS Inc.
2010). The mean average
agroforestry C stock (biomass
C, litter plus SOC up to 40cm
depth) was the highest for
the Coffee–Fruit tree-Enset
based agroforestry system
(237 t C ha
) and the lowest
for the Enset (187 C ha
system. Biomass (above
and belowground) C stocks
were also highest for the
Coffee–Fruit tree-Enset based
agroforestry (140.5±54 t C
ha-1) and followed by Enset
based agroforestry system
(40.1±9.6 t C ha
) and Enset
(49 ±44). The two-tailed t-test
at the significance level of
α=0.05 showed, there are
significant differences among
the agroforestry systems.
Indigenous agroforestry
systems will have a great
contribution to mitigating
climate change through
carbon sequestration.
Hafte Mebrahten Tesfay
got his bachelor’s degree
in Natural Resource
Management (2006) from
Hawassa University, Ethiopia.
After graduation he served as
soil and water conservation
expert and later as head of
land use administration and
environmental protection
of a district in Ethiopia.
Now he is a Ph.D. student at
BOKU University of Natural
Resources and Life Sciences,
Vienna, Austria. He has three
publications and they are
published as monographs,
book of abstracts and poster
JOURNAL OF ECOSYSTEM& ECOGRAPHY 2019, VOLUME 9 | DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C1-045