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International Conference on
International Conference on
Ecology, Ecosystem and Conservation Biology
Microbial Ecology & Eco Systems
March 18-19, 2019 | Chicago, USA
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Analysis of the
microbiota changes in
the intensive care unit
with routine cleaning
Lucas F Ribeiro, Maria Clara T Astolfi, Luciano
T Kishi, Erica M Lopes, Rafael Silva Rocha
Maria Eugenia Guazzaroni
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
infections in intensive care
units (ICUs) can be difficult to
treat and cause high mortality
rates. Organisms causing these
infections could be present
at supplies and equipment
around the patient. The
disinfection and sterilization
of these surfaces near the
patient are generally done by
concurrent cleaning. Culture-
dependent methods are used
to study bacterial populations
in the routine analysis to
evaluate cleaning efficiency.
However, these methods can
underrate the microbiome
diversity present in hospital
areas. Therefore, with the aim
of investigating the efficiency
of cleaning within a referral
hospital’s ICU, a 16S rRNA
metagenomic sequencing
approach was used to
profile bacterial surface
communities before and after
concurrent cleaning with
polyhexamethylene biguanide
(PHMB) solution. The results
showed that, although
some bacterial populations
decreased, potential human
pathogens were still present
after cleaning the surfaces,
demonstrating that these
ICU surfaces represent a
potential vector for spreading
pathogens. These results
highlight the importance of
evaluating routine cleaning
as a mean of managing the
microbial ecosystem of ICUs
and using deep-sequencing
tools for microbial surveillance
and hygienic testing in hospital
Lucas F Ribeiro has completed
his PhD at the age of 30 years
from the University of Sao Paulo
and Postdoctoral studies from
Johns Hopkins University.
Currently, he works as a
Postdoctoral Fellow at the
University of Sao Paulo. He
has published 20 papers in
reputed journals and has been
serving as a guest editorial
board member of repute.
JOURNAL OF ECOSYSTEM& ECOGRAPHY 2019, VOLUME 9 | DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C1-045