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International Conference on
International Conference on
Ecology, Ecosystem and Conservation Biology
Microbial Ecology & Eco Systems
March 18-19, 2019 | Chicago, USA
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Spatial distribution
characteristics of
bacterial community
structure and
gene abundance in
sediments of the Bohai
Jingfeng Fan
Quanrui Chen
National Marine Environmental
Monitoring Center, China
his study investigated
differences in the
community structure and
environmental responses of
the bacterial community in
sediments of the Bohai Sea.
Illumina high-throughput
sequencing technology and
real-time PCR were used to
assay the bacterial 16S rDNA
in the surface sediments
of 13 sampling stations in
the Bohai Sea. The results
showed that heavy metal
pollution showed regional
characteristics, most of the
sediments were contaminated
by Hg, and the 16S rDNA
abundance of bacteria
appeared low in the northern
regional station. The main
phyla of bacteria recorded
included Proteobacteria
(7.39%) and Acidobacteria
(6.53%). The genus with the
highest relative abundance
which was the dominant genus
at most sampling stations.
The main factors influencing
bacterial community structure
were total organic carbon,
followed by the depth
and total phosphorus. The
content of lead, cadmium,
chromium, copper, and
zinc had a consistent effect
on community structure.
Arsenic showed a negative
correlation with bacterial
community structure in
most samples, while the
more polluted mercury and
chromium in sediments
had no significant effect on
bacterial community structure.
The bacterial community in
sediment samples from the
Bohai Sea was rich in diversity
and displayed an increase
in diversity from high to low
latitudes. The data indicated
that the Bohai Sea had
abundant microbial resources
and was rich in bacteria with
the potential to metabolize
many types of pollutants.
jffan@nmemc.org.cnJOURNAL OF ECOSYSTEM& ECOGRAPHY 2019, VOLUME 9 | DOI: 10.4172/2157-7625-C1-045