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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9
World Conference on
May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA
Climate Change and Global Warming
Design of biofuel production units from
Jatropha curcas
Mouako Djeumako Boris
University of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon
Jatropha curcas
has been identified as an oleaginous plant with an oil content of about 45%. Different studies have shown
that a transesterification of this oil makes it possible to obtain biodiesel. The project involved the design and manufacture
of an oilseed press and the design of winnowing equipment and a transesterification unit to convert Jatropha into biodiesel.
Seeds of
Jatropha curcas
selected from the northern regions of Cameroon as part of the ESA project were distributed to farmers
in Ngaoundere to popularize this plant in Adamaoua. The main long-term objective is the establishment of a biofuel pilot
unit; this unit will be duplicated across Africa to contribute to bridging the energy deficit of our continent, through this
renewable energy source. In the same way, it will contribute to the reforestation of the continent, especially in the arid zones.
In perspective, we also plan the design and manufacture of fireplaces adapted to this fuel to offer rural women an alternative to
the use of wood for cooking as is customary in Africa.
Mouako Djeumako Boris is a Technology Enthusiast, who has set himself the goal of designing and making available to African agriculture technologies adapted to
the socio-technical context in order to enable farmers to increase the value chain and ensure the good health of consumers. He also conducts research in the fields
of hybrid power supplies that can combine biogas with solar energy and optimize the energy efficiency of equipment and buildings.
mouakoworld@gmail.comMouako Djeumako Boris, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-039