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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9
World Conference on
May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA
Climate Change and Global Warming
High-rise timber buildings as a climate change mitigation measure
Julie L Skullestad
Asplan Viak, Norway
Statement of the Problem
: Buildings account for a large share of the global GHG emissions. UNHabitat estimates that 3 billion
people will need a new home in the next 20 years due to population growth. The climate change impact (CC) of construction
and operation of buildings may triple by 2050 if business as usual is practiced meeting the demand. Extensive migration to
cities combined with emission reduction targets calls for dense urban areas with high-rise buildings. This allows for efficient
energy use and less transport. However, building tall comes with a “CO
-premium”: Tall buildings of steel and concrete require
stronger structures, and have greater use of materials per floor area than low buildings. It is therefore crucial to use materials
with lower CC. Long-lived timber materials act as a carbon storage and require less energy in production.
: Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been utilized to compare the CC of functional equivalent load bearing structures
in timber and concrete for high-rise buildings. The structures are analyzed with several LCA methodologies, covering both
attributional and consequential LCA.
: Constructing with timber has a great potential of reducing the CC of high-rise buildings, compared
to concrete structures. The CO
-premium of building height is substantially less significant for timber structures than concrete
structures. Hence, the CC saving potential is increasing with building height for tall structures. The reduction potential varies
with regions and production technologies for material production. However, most cases show a significant reduced CC for the
timber structures. If the potential for recycling and reusing the materials after the building’s life cycle is taken into account,
the timber structures have an even greater advantage, as the materials can be incinerated with heat recovery to substitute other
means of heat production.
Julie L Skullestad has her expertise in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and Sustainable Architecture and Infrastructure. She has finished her studies in Environmen-
tal Sciences and Industrial Ecology at NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) in 2016. Her research related to her Master’s thesis has gained
national and international attention, as she produced the first study on the climate change impact of high-rise timber buildings. The study was published in
and presented at the conference “Build Green Renovate Deep) in Tallinn in 2016. She is currently working as an Environmental Advisor in the Norwegian
Company Asplan Viak, where she is advising architects, builders, municipalities and the government in emission reduction strategies, alongside participating in
research and development of LCA methods and tools. She has also had several lectures and presentations in Norway related to LCA and climate friendly con-
struction materials.
juliel.skullestad@asplanviak.noJulie L Skullestad, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-039