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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9
World Conference on
May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA
Climate Change and Global Warming
Is climate change the Armegeddon foretold to the world? A review
Gbujie Daniel Chidubem
University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria
Statement of the Problem
: Climate change impact reveals how man has destroyed earth through burning of fossil fuel and
depletion of natural resources? These activities may have worsened and altered the ecological biosphere by causing changes in
all the climate entities. This extreme phenomenon called climate change has a negative impact on health. The aim of this paper
is to encourage global and national proactive policies and strategic approaches towards tackling climate change.
: This study involved screening of articles that primarily discussed climate change and its consequences. Articles
used for this research came from scientific search engines, research journals, Newspapers, TV reporting, Textbooks and
international agencies' reports on climate change.
: This article identified the causes of climate change and its consequences to mankind. It equally noted the evolving
human attitude towards other species and to follow humans manifesting in various forms as extreme violent conflicts, negative
laws that hampers the effort to mitigate its impact, as they compete for the depleting natural resources. Further, juxtaposing
these thoughts with what should be our urgent action plan to mitigate or manage possible consequences of climate change
effects. Though the concept of using technology through geo-engineering system to create a climatic condition conducive for
human existence seems promising for future but promoting healthy lifestyles and public awareness to mitigating the climate
change effect still remain a realistic approach in the interim while we encourage innovative energy efficient and renewable
:This paper is also intended to contribute to the existing knowledge on climate change while creating
awareness on the need to regulate human activities to prevent the likely extinction of life form on earth while providing a
collaborative ideas or solutions for developing nations specially to attain sustainable ecological development through adaption
and mitigation.
Gbujie Daniel Chidubem has his major interest is the protection environment and promotion of sustainable development goals among developing nations in Africa.
He works temporarily with in a Teaching Hospital in Rivers State, Nigeria for over six years as a Medical Officer. He is an Advocate for youth empowerment through
education, an Environmental Activist and an Advocate of better health care delivery in Nigeria and West Africa. He has published articles, editorial and made numer-
ous international presentations on sustainable development goals especially on health and leadership challenges. He serves on several local and national boards
in Nigeria. He is an Associate Member of the World Medical Association, the Chief Volunteer Coordinator of Sure Health Organization an NGO and an official with
Junior Doctors of Africa. He was an Atlas Corp Fellow for 2017 and was a delegate to the last UN climate change convention in Marrakesh Morocco.
gbujiedan2@yahoo.comGbujie Daniel Chidubem, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-039