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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9
World Conference on
May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA
Climate Change and Global Warming
The effects of ocean circulation on formation of the great ice ages
Thomas Wysmuller, USA
lobal Climate for the past One Million years has proven to be remarkably symmetrical, in both its temperature variation
and temporal periodicity. Geological evidence for the periodicity became evident in the 19
century and certain in the
, when seabed cores were taken from all oceans in the world. Reconstruction of oceanic water levels added to the
evidence of this confirmed symmetry. In the 1950s, Oceanographer Maurice Ewing, heading Columbia University’s Lamont
Earth Observatory, and Geologist William Donn, used seabed core evidence to aid in developing a theory of Ice ages and
their causes. Ocean circulation, particularly over the passages on either side of Bear Island, was critical. The framework they
proposed underwent a number of revisions and was not well understood. The brilliant Russian research conducted at the
Vostok East Antarctica Ice Station helped in clarifying everything. Their Ice Core project was designed to penetrate into Lake
Vostok. This huge lake was situated 3 kilometers under the ice and the 10-year effort yielded stunning results that included
exposing Milankovitch signals within the symmetrical periodicity of temperature and CO
. A singular asymmetrical variation
covering the most recent 10K years appears to disrupt the sequence, but there is a real likelihood that this pattern is not
abnormal and a research proposal to resolve the discrepancy (and confirm the actual symmetry) will be offered. Magnetic
effects, Piano Key evidence and Earth surface vs. core rotational aspects along with ocean currents are inclusively addressed.
Tom Wysmuller forecasted weather at Amsterdam’s Royal Dutch Weather Bureau after studying Meteorology at NYU and Stanford. Selected for a future executive
NASA internship, he worked throughout NASA and its Directorates before, during, and after the Moon Landings. He became Administration Director of the govern-
ment operations at Pratt & Whitney and held Insurance Industry Executive and Board positions. The polynomial regression mathematics, algorithms or code, he
personally produced after leaving NASA, is used by almost all climate scientists on the planet for analytical and modeling. He lectures worldwide on the SCIENCE/
DATA needed to understand climate. In 2008, he was highlighted in the “50
Anniversary of NASA” issue of AIAA’s “
” magazine. He was the meteorologist
member of 2012’s NASA 49 and NASA 41; Scientists, Astronauts, Engineers, and NASA Field Center Directors requesting improvements in NASA’s handling of
climate issues. He chaired “Water Day” in 2013 at UNESCO-IHE, the world’s leading water research graduate center, and went on to chair the Oceanographic
Section of the massive 2016 World Congress on Oceans in Qingdao, China.
tom@colderside.comThomas Wysmuller, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-039