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Journal of Earth Science & Climatic Change | ISSN: 2157-7617 | Climate 2018 | Volume: 9
World Conference on
May 23-24, 2018 | New York, USA
Climate Change and Global Warming
Agriculture vulnerability under climate change
Ada Metaliu
Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
armers in Albania, in general, are smallholders with poor farming systems; with a low-level of technology and very high
production costs. Adding to that, farmers now have to cope with the impacts of climate change. Based on many scientific
studies, climatic conditions are likely to bring both negative and positive changes in agriculture. Our goal is to raise awareness
about agriculture vulnerability in Albania. Our case study was Shkodra region which is one of the vulnerable regions to climate
change in Albania. What is more, historically Shkodra have been historically affected by consequences of extreme weather
events which have been intensified also as a result of the compulsory discharges of hydropower plants in the region during
winter season. For this study we conducted a survey by interviewing 185 smallholders in 14 municipalities distributed around
4 different types of geographical areas (mountains, hills, fields and coast). The purpose of the survey was to collect information
about farming conditions and their vulnerability level under climate change. We also had discussions with experts, in talking
about evidences of climate change impacts in Albanian agriculture as well as identifying the factors which makes Albanian
famers vulnerable to climate change. A big concern for smallholders was the use of water in agriculture due to a lack of
irrigation systems and a fluctuation of precipitation in the recent decades. They have experienced both positive and negative
impacts from climate change in relation to food production bug because of market conditions and farming systems they are
not responding to such impacts. Statistical methods have been used to analyze information collected from the survey. The
techniques that we have been using are mainly tabular and graphical presentations. The participatory approach is based on the
perceptions and assessment of the farmers of the selected areas.
Ada Metaliu has her expertise in agrarian economy. She has been awarded with Ph.D. Scholarship in Socio-economic modelling related to climate change by IPCC
and Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation. She also received a Master degree in Business management from International Center for Advanced Mediterranean Ag-
ronomic Studies. She worked for FAO as National Consultant, Gender research assistant and translator in Albania. She became a Climate Leader in Climate Reality
Project, Pittsburgh (United States) 2017. She also participated in Climate Change Adaptation" workshop, National ECRAN Adaptation Teams Launch workshop for
Balkan (step A, B1, B2) Financed by the TAIEX “Technical Assistance and Information Exchange instrument of the European Commission”
ada.metaliu@yahoo.comAda Metaliu, J Earth Sci Clim Change 2018, Volulme: 9
DOI: 10.4172/2157-7617-C1-039