Page 47
Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Biotech Congress 2018 & Enzymology 2018
March 05-07, 2018
Global Congress on
International Conference on
Enzymology and Molecular Biology
March 05-07, 2018 London, UK
Toxicological aspects of physiological and biochemical changes with potassium silicate and silica nano-
particles on albino rat
Helmi Mohamed El-bendary
Fayoum University, Egypt
aturally occurring micron sized silica has gained enormous popularity as a physically active insecticide. Nano-sized silica has
insecticidal properties and would be needed in lesser quantity in comparison with conventional insecticides because of the
huge surface to volume ratio of nanoparticles. Nano molecules have been widely used in consumer and industrial applications,
such as medicine, cosmetics and foods, because they exhibit unique physicochemical properties and innovative functions. However,
nanomaterials (NMs) can also be problematic in terms of eliciting a toxicological effect by their small size. The present study was
designed to examine the toxic effects of orally administered pesticide Sil-MATRIX 29% (potassium silicate) and silica nano-particles
-NPs) using male albino rats, at sublethal doses [2/5, 1/4 and 1/8 LD50], relative to control on [body, organs weight such as
liver, kidney, heart, spleen, and cytotoxic effect (such as total protein content levels as biochemical aspects)] for 28 and 45 days’ time
exposure period. Orally ingested Sil-MATRIX 29% and silica nanoparticles (SiO
-NPs) [2/5, 1/4 and 1/8 LD50] were not associated
with significant changes in the average gain of body and organ weight. On the other hand, total protein content value after ingestion
with Sil-MATRIX and SiO
-NPs for all doses and treatments time period were increased significantly in a pattern similar to control
rats. Our results suggested that the well-dispersed nano-silica cytotoxic effect caused systemic exposure in mouse and induced
mutagenic activity. Our information indicated that further studies of relation between physicochemical properties and biological
responses are needed for the development and safer form of (NMs).
Helmi Mohamed El-bendary is Assistant Professor of Agriculture at Fayoum University. He finished his BSc in Plant Protection Department at Cairo University and
D.S.P.U at Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, Greece, M.S.c. at Cairo University, LLB at Cairo University, and Ph.D. at Mansoura University.
hmb02@fayoum.edu.egHelmi Mohamed El-bendary, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C2-091