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Bio Summit & Molecular Biology 2016

October 10-12, 2016

Volume 6, Issue 6(Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal



October 10-12, 2016 Dubai, UAE



World Congress on

Bio Summit & Molecular Biology Expo

J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:6(Suppl)

Optical processing for the analysis of genetic data sequencing

Abdullah K Alqallaf

Kuwait University, Kuwait


n optical image processing technique can be proposed for analyzing and exploring DNA sequences. The approach uses

the powerful computing capability of optical correlation to provide real-time processing of the genomic data. Instead

of representing the symbolic DNA sequences in numeric form, they are converted and treated as 2-D images for matching

purposes. Both images of the reference and the target DNA sequences are combined and presented as a joint input image to

an optical joint transform correlator (JTC) set-up for a real-time processing. This JTC-based approach is capable to search

for similarity/dissimilarity between two tested DNA sequences. The optical approach can facilitates the exhaustive search

algorithms for locally and/or globally DNA alignment. Simulations experimental results on actual DNA sequences will be

presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed optical approach.

Identification and verification of QTL associated with frost tolerance using linkage mapping and

GWAS in winter faba bean

Ahmed Sallam

1, 3

, Mustapha Arbaoui


, Mohamed El-Esawi

4, 5

and Regina Martsch



Assiut University, Egypt


Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Morocco


University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA


Tanta University, Egypt


KU Leuven, Belgium


University of Gottingen, Germany


rost stress is one of abiotic stresses, which cause a significant reduction in winter faba bean yield in Europe. The main

objective of this work is to genetically improve frost tolerance in winter faba bean by identifying and validating QTL

associated with frost tolerance to be used inmarker-assisted selection. Two different genetic backgrounds were used a biparental

population (BPP) consisting of 101 inbred lines and 189 genotypes from single seed descent (SSD) from the Gottingen Winter

Bean Population (GWBP). All experiments were conducted in a frost growth chamber under controlled conditions. Both

populations were genotyped using the same set of 189 SNP markers. Visual scoring for frost stress symptoms was used to define

frost tolerance in both populations. In addition, leaf fatty acid composition (FAC) and proline content were analyzed in BPP

as physiological traits. QTL mapping (for PBB) and genome wide association studies (for GWBP) were performed to detect

QTL associated with frost tolerance. High genetic variation between genotypes and heritability estimates were found for all

traits. QTL mapping and GWAS identified new putative QTL associated with promising frost tolerance and related traits. A

set of common 54 SNP markers in both two different genetic backgrounds showed a high genetic diversity with polymorphic

information content ranged from 0.31 to 0.37 and gene diversity ranged from 0.39 to 0.50, indicating that these markers could

be used for genotyping any faba bean population. Five SNP markers showed a significant marker-trait association with frost

tolerance and related traits in both populations. Moreover, synteny analysis between

Medicago truncatula

(model legume) and

faba bean genomes was performed to identify candidate genes of these markers. Collinearity was evaluated between the faba

bean genetic map constructed in this study and the faba bean consensus map, resulting in identifying possible genomic regions

in faba bean which may control frost tolerance genes. The two genetic backgrounds were useful in detecting new variation

to improve frost tolerance in winter faba bean. Of the five validated SNP markers, one (VF_Mt3g086600) was found to be

associated with frost tolerance and FAC in both populations. This marker was also associated with winter hardiness and high

yield in earlier studies. This marker is located in a gene of unknown function.