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Bio Summit & Molecular Biology 2016

October 10-12, 2016

Volume 6, Issue 6(Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal



October 10-12, 2016 Dubai, UAE



World Congress on

Bio Summit & Molecular Biology Expo

J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:6(Suppl)

Aroma compounds in cooperage oakwood (

Quercus pyrenaica

Willd.): Effect of site and silvicultural


Ignacio J Diaz-Maroto


, M Elena Alanon


, M Soledad Perez-Coello


and M Consuelo Diaz-Maroto



Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain


ging wines is a long-used technical step. This praxis was set up for the storage, but later, it has been used because of

its unique effects on wine organoleptic properties. The role of wood during this process is crucial. From the sensorial

point of view, wood is capable of transmitting aroma-responsible volatile compounds. Also, a reduction of astringency and

color changes are produced as a result of the phenolic compounds extraction. Different woods have been used in cooperage

(chestnut, cherry-tree); however oak is the most common for its chemical composition and for both its mechanical and

physical properties. But, the aging carried out by means of barrels entails a time-consuming and expensive practice. On the

one hand, aged wines have to be left in the barrels during a long period before they can be brought to market because of the

slow extraction process of aroma compounds. On the other hand, it implies some problems, such as their sanitization and

handling. The volatile composition of

Quercus pyrenaica

fromNW Spain were analyzed on a wide sample set of more than 100.

The relationship between some silvicultural and site parameters and volatile composition was studied. Altitude appeared to

be the most significant parameter. However, other factors such as annual precipitation and number of trees per hectare whose

effects on the volatile compounds were not significant. The influence of geographical location seemed to have a more specific

impact. The content of extractable compounds permitted a separation of samples according to their origin.

Moving away from non-uniform biologicals in healthcare: Development of synthetic embryo

culture and sperm cryopreservation media solutions

Jaffar Ali

University of Malaya, Malaysia


mbryo Culture (ECM), Cell, Gamete and Embryo Cryoprotectant (CM), Stem Cell Culture (SCCM), Cell-based Vaccine

Production Media (VPM), etc., contain donor serum proteins (DSPs) which carry risk of disease transmission to patients/

their babies/healthcareworkers.The EuropeanUnion recommends avoidance of non-uniformbiologicals inhealthcare products

(EU Tissue Directive No.2004/23/EU) by April 2007. Most manufacturers of healthcare products have not fully complied with

this directive. Available embryo culture media (ECM) for human ART supplemented with human serum albumin (HSA)

contain contaminants such as hazardous pathogenic agents, micro DNA/RNA strands and undeclared proteins, all of which

has the potential to cause adverse events for the baby including epigenetic effects, possible genetic crossovers with embryonic

genome affecting the genetic constitution of the embryo and batch variation in quality of media. Late onset adverse events

cannot be ruled out. The author developed synthetic human embryo culture media (Synbios™) devoid of DSPs. A clinical

trial was performed successfully and patented in USA (US Patent 8415094)/PCT protected in Canada, EU, Australia, Russia,

Israel and many nations worldwide. A synthetic spermatozoa cryopreservation medium (SCM) has also been developed and

successfully applied with pregnancies achieved. More efforts are needed to develop culture media for the stem cell and vaccine

industries. Efficacious synthetic ECM and SCM have been developed which eliminates disease transmission, is safe and even

culturally acceptable as it was certified “Halal” or permissible by the EU Halal authority. It is anticipated to comply with
