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Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials | ISSN: 2155-952X | Volume: 8
World Biotechnology Congress
December 03-04, 2018 Sao Paulo, Brazil
The dichlorvos-ammonia method for visible detection of aflatoxigenic fungi from environments
Kimiko Yabe
Masayo Kushiro
Fukui University of Technology, Japan
NARO, Japan
flatoxins are the most potent carcinogenic and toxic substances among mycotoxins and its contamination in food and feed
crops has serious effects on the health of humans and animals. To monitor and to regulate the aflatoxin contamination in
crops, the simple and precise detection method for aflatoxigenic fungi is necessary. We recently developed a visual detection
method, the dichlorvos-ammonia (DV-AM) method, in which DV inhibits the esterase in aflatoxin biosynthesis causing the
accumulation of anthraquinone precursors (versiconal hemiacetal acetate and versiconol acetate) of AFs in mycelia on the agar
plate, followed by a change of the color of the colonies from light yellow to brilliant purple-red by the AM vapor treatment.
This method enabled the direct isolation of aflatoxigenic fungi as well as non-aflatoxigenic fungi from environmental samples
such as soils. However, when this method was applied to the soils containing many and various kinds of microorganisms,
we found that they drastically inhibited the growth of fungi. Therefore, we further search for a semi-selection medium for
aflatoxigenic fungi which is useful for the DV-AMmethod. We finally establish the medium and we succeeded in the detection
of aflatoxigenic fungi from various soils in Japan. The DV-AM method using the semi-selection medium will be useful for
clarification of the distribution as well as the dynamic movements of aflatoxigenic fungi in environments.
Kimiko Yabe has her expertise in biochemistry and molecular biology of toxic fungi. She has investigated the biosynthetic pathway of aflatoxins in collaboration with
Dr. Hiromitsu Nakajima, Tottori University, Japan for more than 30 years. They have clarified most of all enzymatic reactions in aflatoxin biosynthesis by co-work with
many great researchers inside and outside of Japan. Recently, she developed the DV-AM method, a simple method to detect aflatoxigenic fungi, in collaboration
with Dr Masayo Kushiro, NARO, Japan. They have a dream that this method will be widely used and will be useful for people to develop an effective preventing
method for aflatoxin contamination in crops all over the world. Yabe et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume: 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C7-106