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Volume 7, Issue 6 (Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-952X

World Biotechnology 2017

December 04-05, 2017



World Biotechnology Congress

December 04-05, 2017 | Sao Paulo, Brazil

Antheraea mylitta

cocoonase: A boon in silk industry

Dev Mani Pandey


, Sneha Prasad


, Priya Porwal


, Ajit Kumar Sinha



Jay Prakash Pandey



Birla Institute of Technology, India


Central Tasar Research and Training Institute, India


ericulture, both an art and a science of raising silkworms for silk production, has better prospects in developing countries as silk

production is highly economical. Silkworm species vary in terms of the quality of silk they produce and the food plants they

consume. Wild silkmoths include tasar silkworm, eri-silkworm, oak-tasar silkworm and muga silkworm. The Indian tasar silkworm.

Antheraea mylitta

is a natural fauna of tropical India, represented by 44 ecoraces. Wide distribution and polyphagy of this insect

species has resulted in extensive variation in the population. Tasar cocoons are reported to be largest among all the silk-producing

insects in the world. Cocoon, shelter for larva development to silk moth, contains fibrous protein, fibroin and is coated by the globular

protein, sericin. The escape of the silk moth from cocoon requires the action of cocoonase enzyme secreted by the pupa. Cocoonase is

a protease enzyme which hydrolyses sericin, soften cocoon and later they escape out. Seeking this vital function, the study focuses on

the production of active recombinant

Antheraea mylitta

cocoonase and its post translationmodification (PTM). PTM can significantly

modulate the integral properties of protein affecting its stability, interaction and providing proper folding. Several PTMs such as

phosphorylation, SUMOylation, myristoylation and glycosylation are being checked. Obtained detailed findings will be discussed


Dev Mani Pandey is interested in the research areas and scientific expertise includes: molecular biology, functional genomics, stress physiology and bioinformatics

approaches on plants like rice, groundnut, medicinal plants etc., using recent biotechnological tools. He is also associated with Central Tasar Research and Training

Institute, Ranchi, India for sericulture related research. He is also actively involved in research, teaching and other department and institute activities.

Dev Mani Pandey et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2017, 7:6 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-086