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Veterinary Summit 2016
November 14-16, 2016
Volume 7 Issue 7(Suppl)
J Vet Sci Technol
ISSN: 2157-7579 JVST, an open access journal
November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA
Global Veterinary Summit
Nabaa Kamal Badawi Babikir, J Vet Sci Technol 2016, 7:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2157-7579.C1.022Nutritive evaluation of some
tree leaves in the Sudan
Nabaa Kamal Badawi Babikir
University of Bahri, Sudan
he present work was carried out to represent a review of the chemical composition and nutritive value of browse plants in the
Sudan especially in arid and semiarid areas. The a proximate analysis for this samples showed that browse plants studied in
most cases constitute an excellent forage content, which had higher nutritive value, particularly protein 8.75-21.0%. The browse
plants were found to have high content of macro elements and low content of trace elements. The samples in this studied were
found to have low content of anti-nutritional factors in term of tannin and high content of lignin. Three fistulated goats were
used; the nylon bags containing the browse plants sample
Acacia albida, Acacia nubica, Acacia seiberianae, Blanetes aegyptiaca
Ziziphus spina-chresti
were administered directly throw the fistula to the rumen of goats. The digestion of the dry matter of
the browse plants in the rumen of goat was found to be high in one sample and other samples have middle digestion rate and the
rest were low. It is possible to conclude that browse plants complement grasses especially in the dry season, as dry season grasses
extremely deficient in protein and some minerals which cannot alone meet livestock maintenance requirement.
Nabaa Kamal Badawi Babikir has completed her PhD from Benha University, Egypt. She is a Staff Member in Department of Biochemistry and Molecular
Biochemistry. She has published more than 10 papers in reputed journals.