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Veterinary Summit 2016
November 14-16, 2016
Volume 7 Issue 7(Suppl)
J Vet Sci Technol
ISSN: 2157-7579 JVST, an open access journal
November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA
Global Veterinary Summit
J Vet Sci Technol 2016, 7:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2157-7579.C1.022The performance and susceptibility of different commercial broilers to dyschondroplasia
Fereshte Gholami
Tarbiat Modares University, Iran
49-day study was conducted to evaluate the performance parameters and susceptibility of different commercial broilers
hybrid (B, A, C) to tibial dyschondroplasia (TD). Total of 1440 1-d-old chicks were attributed to 6 experimental groups
and each sex of hybrids was represented by four pens of 60 broilers each. Incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia disorder by
bone mineral density (BMD) method results, showed significant effect among hybrid at 28 and 49 days of age (P≤0.05), but
the sex and reciprocal sex and strain effect were not effective on appearance of this disorder and its related physiological
parameters. Whereupon the prevalence of TD in hybrid A was higher than hybrid B and C. Results showed that hybrid and
sex had no significantly effect on total food consumption (P>0.05). A significant difference was observed in daily weight and
food conversion coefficient among hybrids and gender (P<0.01), as, hybrid C showed the highest body weight gain, compared
to other hybrids, over the test period.
fsh.gholami@gmail.comMolecular analysis of SouthAfrican ovine herpesvirus 2 strains based on selected glycoprotein and tegument genes
Fulufhelo Amanda Doboro
Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
vine herpesvirus 2 (OvHV-2), is the causative agent of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever (SA-MCF), a generally
fatal disease of cattle and other captive wild ruminants. Information on the OvHV-2 strains circulating in South Africa
(SA) and other African countries with regard to genetic structure and diversity and pattern of distribution is not available. This
study aimed to characterize the OvHV-2 strains circulating in SA using selected genes encoding glycoproteins and tegument
proteins. To establish the genetic diversity of OvHV-2 strains, four genes,
Ov 7, Ov 8 ex2, ORF 27
ORF 73
were selected
for analysis by PCR and DNA sequencing. Nucleotide and amino acid multiple sequence analyses revealed two genotypes for
ORF 27
ORF 73
and three genotypes for
Ov 7
Ov 8 ex2
, randomly distributed throughout the regions.
Ov 7
nucleotide sequence analysis revealed variations that distinguished SA genotypes from those of reference OvHV-2 strains.
Epitope mapping analysis showed that mutations identified from the investigated genes are not likely to affect the functions
of the gene products, particularly those responsible for antibody binding activities associated with B-cell epitopes. Knowledge
of the extent of genetic diversity existing among OvHV-2 strains has provided an understanding on the distribution patterns
of OvHV-2 strains or genotypes across the regions of South Africa. This can facilitate the management of SA-MCF in SA, in
terms of introduction of control measures or safe practices to monitor and control OvHV-2 infection. The products encoded
by the
Ov 7
Ov 8 ex2
ORF 27
genes are recommended for evaluation of their coded proteins as possible antigens in the
development of an OvHV-2 specific serodiagnostic assay.