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Veterinary Summit 2016
November 14-16, 2016
Volume 7 Issue 7(Suppl)
J Vet Sci Technol
ISSN: 2157-7579 JVST, an open access journal
November 14-16, 2016 Atlanta, USA
Global Veterinary Summit
Ayobami Adeyemo et al., J Vet Sci Technol 2016, 7:7(Suppl)
http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2157-7579.C1.022Biological control of gastroinstestinal parasites (GIN) using various plant species
Ayobami Adeyemo and Michael Chimonyo
University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
ndo-parasitic diseases, caused by gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are one of the major causes of animal health
deterioration and reduced productivity. Control of GIN solely relies on the use of synthetic therapy, which is becoming less
effective and unacceptable, due to animals developing resistance as a result of overuse and the possibility of chemical residues
finding their way into the human food chain. Few studies, if any, have evaluated the nutritional possibilities of reducing parasite
burden which gaps are associated to cost and unavailability of feed in some regions. Little information, if any, is available on
the biological control of GIN using various medicinal plant species that are readily available. Some
studies has proven
that some plant species may be effective on GIN and few examples are
Allium sativum, Vernonia amygdalina, Phytolacca
dodecandra, Rhoicissus tridentate
Zingiber officinale
. This paper will review the available information on some plant species
with wide usefulness in controlling GIN, gaps, conclusion and recommendation on more effective model of administration.
Ayobami Adeyemo has completed his first degree from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTECH), Nigeria. He is a well committed and devoted Young
Researcher with a vast experience in Animal and Poultry Science. He is currently pursuing MSc at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa and his interest
is in animal health with the aim of resolving various distressing issues associated to animal health, exploring wide range of possibilities to reducing or eradicating
parasites in livestock animal.