Volume 5, Issue 2 (Suppl)
J Tradi Med Clin Natur
ISSN: JTMCN, an open access journal
Page 30
Traditional Medicine 2016
September 14-16, 2016
September 14-16, 2016 Amsterdam, Netherlands
International Conference and Exhibition on
Traditional & Alternative Medicine
Protein profile changes among cancer patients after abnormal Savda therapy in traditional Uighur
Abulizi Abudula, Wanli Deng, Nurmuhammad Amat
Halmurat Upur
Xinjiang Medical University, PR China
raditional Uighur medicine shares an origin with Greco-Arab medicine. It describes a disease in terms of Abnormal Hilits
(syndromes) that are caused by imbalance of the dynamic homeostasis of four normal Hilits (humors), consisting of Kan, Phlegm,
Safra and Savda, which correspond to Blood, Phlegm, Yellow Bile, and Black Bile in Greco-Arab medicine. In the clinical practice,
the Abnormal Savda (syndrome), which refers to the change in Black Bile, is the major pathological condition of diseases and can be
treated with its unique prescription, composed of Abnormal Savda Munziq and Abnormal Savda Mushil, known as Abnormal Savda
therapy. In this study, 29 cancer patients diagnosed with Abnormal Savda underwent Abnormal Savda therapy. According to the
criteria in Uighur medicine, the syndrome scores for Abnormal Savda significantly declined after treatment. Subsequent proteomic
analysis identified 27 proteins differentially expressed in the plasma of patients from baseline to after treatment. Bio-informatic
analysis indicated that most of these proteins are potential tumor biomarkers. Among the seven proteins detected by enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay, the expression of vWF, APOC4, and THBS1 was significantly upregulated, while ADIPOQ and ITIH3 were
downregulated after to treatment. We previously reported the down-regulation of vWF and THBS1 and upregulation of ITIH3 in
cancer patients diagnosed with Abnormal Savda compared with those with other syndromes and healthy controls. Therefore, the
inverse regulation of protein expression in response to treatment provides evidence for the use of Abnormal Savda therapy as an
alternative or auxiliary method to the clinical treatment of cancer patients by Western medicine.
Abulizi Abudula has completed his PhD from Jena University and Post-doctoral studies from Bielefeld and Goettingen Universities in Germany. He is working as an
invited scholar at the Xinjiang Medical University and involved in the research of cancer early diagnosis, prevention and treatment by traditional Uighur medicine.
He has published more than 10 papers in international journals in the field of Tumor Biology and Traditional Medicine.
abulizi_a@126.comAbulizi Abudula et al., J Tradi Med Clin Natur 2016, 5:2 (Suppl)