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Volume 4

Toxicology: Open Access

ISSN: 2476-2067

Toxicology Congress 2018

March 12-14, 2018

March 12-14, 2018 Singapore



World Congress on

Toxicology and Pharmacology

Pattern of ocular toxicity in patients on antipsychotic drug therapy at Alexandria Main University Hospital

Wafaa Mohamed El Sehly, Rania Abdelmegid Ahmed Kaka, Jiddaa Farouk Mekky, Karim Nabil Mahmoud and Magda Hassan Mabrouk Soffar

Alexandria University, Egypt


sychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. Antipsychotic drug

treatment is a key component of schizophrenia treatment first-generation antipsychotics, known as typical antipsychotics

where second-generation drugs, known as atypical antipsychotics. All psychotropic medications have the potential to induce

numerous and diverse unwanted ocular effects. The study aimed to assess the occurrence of ocular toxic effects of antipsychotic

drugs and evaluate intraocular pressure in patients treated with psychiatric medications. Informed consent was taken from

patients. The present study was conducted on 100 chronic psychotic patients attending the Alexandria main university hospital

who on treatment of antipsychotic drugs for a period more than six months period with age group between18-45 years. 14% of

those patients were on phenothiazine therapy, 16% on atypical anti-psychotic while 70% were on combined therapy. 2% of all

cases had pigmentation of conjunctiva that was on phenothiazine therapy only. Corneal opacity was manifested on 5% of cases.

The majority of them was on phenothiazine therapy only while 14% on combined therapy. 7% was suffered from lens opacity;

six cases due to phenothiazine therapy only while one case due to combined therapy. Intraocular pressure was manifested in

11% of all cases. Optic examination revealed two cases had increased cup disc ratio who on phenothiazine therapy only. It was

concluded that ocular toxicity was manifested mainly with phenothiazine therapy that affected by duration of treatment. The

incidence of toxicity decreased with combination of typical and atypical. It is recommended that psychiatrists, ophthalmologists

and patients need to be aware of and prepared for any medication-induced ocular toxic effect.

Toxicol Open Access 2018, Volume 4

DOI: 10.4172/2476-2067-C1-006