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Volume 8

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pharmacology

Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry 2018

October 18-19, 2018

October 18-19, 2018 Dubai, UAE

International Conference on



International Conference on


Joint Meeting on

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Social pharmacy as a social aspect of Pharmaco-epidemiology: Now more than ever

Payam Peymani

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran


ince pharmacy is increasingly assuming the role of ‘primary and secondary health care professionals’, rather than being

solely dispensers of medicines and suppliers of medical appliances, pharmacy students and researchers require new

proficiencies as communicators, problem-solvers and advisers. ‘Social, behavioral and cognitive science’ has been identified

as having a significant contribution to make in the educational training of pharmacists. In this lecture we are concerned

specifically with the application of sociology to the practice of pharmacy. Social pharmacy is a file riven by social demands.

By studying the relationship between pharmaceutical sciences, society and humanistic perspectives, particularly through case

studies, the impact of medication and changes in societal expectation of them, as well as through historical background studies

and surveys of current movement, this field acts to determine the roles of pharmacists and pharmacies expected by society.

Social pharmacy requires a basic knowledge of pharmaceutical science, but an understanding from socio-economic viewpoints

of the current status and structures in which healthcare functions is important as well. So far, social pharmacy has played a vital

and necessary role in training curriculum for community-based pharmacists. Social pharmacy may be seen as including of

all social indicators influencing the use of a particular drug, like drug-related beliefs, regulations, policy, knowledge, attitudes,

practice, medicine information, ethics and behavior. Social pharmacy programs in pharmacy curricula are becoming more

crucial and essential because of the various factors that can affect the health of a society. Social pharmacy deals with the study

of community and human act and as a behavioral science is often related with disciplines that deal with individuals as well

as large and small groups, including psychology, sociology and anthropology. So it can be discussed that social pharmacy

begins with a rationale of social, cognitive and behavioral sciences to educational course for pharmacists and its inclusion

in the curriculum and also establish of departments, centers and journals of social pharmacy, which is a prerequisite for the

development of the concept of social pharmacy and its further implementation in real world evidence and practice.


Payam Peymani is currently an Assistant Professor and Director of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics Group, Health Policy Research Center of

Shiraz University of Medical Sciences. Also, He is a Director of Accreditation and Ranking Directorate, Vice Chancellery for Global Strategies and International

Affairs, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences Shiraz, Iran. He is the author of more than 40 peer review papers, and participated and gave presentation in more

than 34 international Congress and symposia and has been a reviewers of various international scientific journals. He is a Member of Pharmacoepidemiology

Committee of Shiraz University of sciences. He is an Editorial Manager and Associated Editor of the Social Pharmacy Journal. Dr. Peymani has a more than 6

years' experience of designing and conducting clinical trials, Pharmacoepidemiology , population Based and social pharmacy Study. Dr Peymani obtained his

MPhil of Health Policy and PhD of Clinical Pharmacology (Pharmacoepidemiology) from Health Policy Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in

2013 and 2016 respectively. He received his Pharmacy Doctorate (Pharm.D) degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from Faculty of Pharmacy, Shiraz University of

Medical Sciences in 2010.Currently, His is involved in Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacovigilance and population Based study and his main research interest is in

the design and conduct Clinical Trial and Pharmacoepidemiology / drug safety evaluation.

Payam Peymani, Clin Exp Pharmacol 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2161-1459-C3-034