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Volume 4, Issue 4 (Suppl)
J Pharma Care Health Sys
ISSN: 2376-0419, JPCHS, an open access journal
Pharma Middle East 2017
September 25-26, 2017
September 25-26, 2017 Dubai, UAE
Annual Pharma Middle East Congress
Pharmacoeconomics of plasma fractionation local manufacturing: General review
Saeed M Albaraki and Bander R Alwhaiby
Prince Sultan Medical Military City, KSA
lasma-Derived Medicines (PDM) products obtained through processing and fractionation of human plasma and are
regularly used in clinical practices for a variety of diseases. The most important (PDM) products available in the markets
are coagulation factors (FVIII and FIX), albumin and immunoglobulins (IVIG). The PDM products involve a multi-billion
dollar trade and the global market of such biological products is growing dramatically due to the newly emerging therapeutic
applications. On the other hand, shortage in supply of PDM is very common globally. This being a biological industry is
seriously influenced by political conflicts, manmade disasters and epidemic diseases. During the last few decades, the global
industrial market of PDM has undergone very dramatic changes such as merging of the manufacturers and acquisition of small
scale companies as well as increasing levels of regulation with respect to product safety. It has been reported that around 30
million liters of plasma are fractionated each year worldwide. However, unfortunately due to very high cost of treatment and
shortage of supply, these clinically precious tools are not affordable for a majority of patients living in developing countries. The
Ministries of Health in some developing countries developed their own local fractionation programs to secure the accessibility
of PDM. These programs include local PDM production, long term supply contracts and self-sufficiency fractionation contract
of locally produced plasma. Finland, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland and Singapore are relying on self-
sufficiency fractionation toll of local plasma. In spite, of the crucial role of this essential bio-industry, no country within the
Middle East has any successful large scale trial for a local fractionation project. Limited exceptions have been reported from
Egypt and Tunisia Ministries of Health of the Middle East countries should think seriously to start local manufacturing of
PDM to secure their population and afford such bioproduct for the patients. The overall goal of the workshop is to increase the
awareness of the health professionals and health decision makers about the recent developments and changes in this industry
and the importance of establishing a local fractionation program to secure a regular supply for our patients. The five main
objectives of this workshop are: (1) To highlight the pharmaco-economics of PDM, (2) To provide a better understanding of
local PDM manufacturing, (3) To suggest methods for starting local fractionation projects according to the demand and the
levels of blood donation, (4) To provide suggestions and solutions for overcoming problems associated with establishing of
local PDMmanufacturing projects and (5) Presenting a case studies of Saudi Arabia and Norway for local manufacturing trials.
Saeed MAlbaraki has completed his PhD from University of Leeds, UK in Industrial Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Engineering. Presently, he is the Deputy Director
of the Scientific Research Centre of the Armed Forces Medical Services, KSA. He has published his research work on pharmaceutical formulation, manufacturing,
plasma fractionation and pharmaceutical engineering in reputed journals and has also presented his work in national and international scientific conferences and
saeedarz@yahoo.comSaeed M Albaraki et al., J Pharma Care Health Sys 2017, 4:4 (Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2376-0419-C1-023