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Volume 8

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN: 2155-9600

Nutri-Food Chemistry


Euro Obesity 2018

September 13-15, 2018


September 13-15, 2018 | London, UK




Obesity and Endocrinology Congress




World Congress on

Nutrition and Food Chemistry

Effects of dietary phytochemicals on healthy ageing in a hormetic stress response manner

Ceren Gezer

Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey


ormesis is defined as any circumstance in which chemical and environmental factors give beneficial effect to the cells in

an organism at low doses while causing harm for them at high doses. The stress responses observed in mammalian cells

can be classified as heat shock response, unfolded protein response, autophagic response, DNA damage response, antioxidant

response and sirtuin response at the intracellular and molecular levels. Factors which strengthen the hemodynamic structure

causing low level molecular damage and activating one or several stress response pathways are called hormetins. Hormetins

can be categorized as: physical hormetins, physiological hormesis, biological and nutritional hormetins. Nutritional hormetins

are an interesting, comprehensive research topic because of their effects on health and life span. Dietary phytochemicals are

potential nutritional hormetins with their low-level stress inducing effects. Resveratrol, curcumin, capsaicin, epicatechin,

isothiocyanates, ferulic acid and certain vitamin minerals can form heat shock response, unfolded protein response, auto

phagic response, DNA damage response, antioxidant response and sirtuin response causing the stimulation of kinases and

transcription factors. Studies generally have shown that these phytochemicals are related to nuclear factor erythroid 2 (Nrf-2)

and sirtuin pathway, heat shock response activation and nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) down regulation. This study aims to

explain stress response effect mechanisms of the dietary phytochemicals, which show the property of nutritional hormetin as

important components that affect the delay of age related diseases, healthy aging and life span.

J Nutr Food Sci 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C7-072