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Volume 8

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences

ISSN: 2155-9600

Nutri-Food Chemistry


Euro Obesity 2018

September 13-15, 2018


September 13-15, 2018 | London, UK




Obesity and Endocrinology Congress




World Congress on

Nutrition and Food Chemistry

Truly coherent policies of microalgae with food technologies

Armen B Avagyan

Armenian National Agrarian University, Armenia


urrently, fruits and vegetables contain small amounts of key nutrients. As a result, the need of people and animals to

use high quality food and feed additives to compensate for a lack of physiologically active components has increased.

Microalgae contain, among other elements, high quantities of proteins, enzymes, amino acids, pigments, lipids, and a fairly

high concentration of vitamins, compared with other plants or animals. Microalgae food and feed additives is optimal way

for increasing of human and animal well-being, resistance to illnesses and improvements of food quality as well as removal

of the use of antibiotics in animal feed (microalgae contain acids with high antibacterial action). Based on these challenges,

the use of microalgae Chlorella as a food and feed additive could become the best solution. The food waste of 1.3 billion tones

is critical problem to our society like environmental pollution (GHG emissions of 3.3 billion tons of CO


per year), health

risk, and scarcity of dumping. Incineration and anaerobic digestion of food waste reduce the economic value of the substrate.

Termohydrolyzation of food waste with the use of effluent gases can be used for producing of microalgae as our high value

added answer on global challenges. In concrete pools of 26.85 ha the cost of dry Chlorella biomass will be lower than $1/kg

which is competitive compared with costs of used feed additives. In case manufacturing on an area of 121,976 ha, produced

volumes of dry Chlorella powder will be equal to 417,659 t (investment of $607 million) can absorb up to 0.764 MtCO



addition, reduction of NOx and VOCs) and produce 0.559 MtO


. This quantity can be used as feed additive (1%) and will meet

the total demand of Canada on 213%, USA on 25%, or Europe on 20% per year.

J Nutr Food Sci 2018, Volume 8

DOI: 10.4172/2155-9600-C7-072