Page 85
Volume 5, Issue 6(Suppl)
J Infect Dis Ther, an open access journal
ISSN: 2332-0877
Euro Infectious Diseases 2017
September 07-09, 2017
September 07-09, 2017 | Paris, France
Infectious Diseases
Euro-Global Conference on
J Infect Dis Ther 2017, 5:6(Suppl)
DOI: 10.4172/2332-0877-C1-033
Complication of burn infection
Shintaro Asai
Nagoya kyoritsu hospital, nagoya japan
Background and Aims:
Although there are some cases complicated by toxic shock syndrome (TSS) from wound infections
in extensive severe burns patients, they are rare case causing TSS in small range burn in adults. For the patients suffering from
small burn injuries, an intensive care is not usually needed for the primary care, as they admit in the general ward on admission
day. However in rare cases these patients’ condition could get worse while having a treatment in the general ward, and they can
be forced to move to the ICU until the vital sign gets stable. In this time, it was examined the TSS complicated by small range
burn patients in adults. I report these rare cases with some our considerations.
I have experienced 5 cases were complicated by TSS at some reason in inpatient treatment in burns to five years
from January 2010 to December 2015, two cases are males and three cases are females, 24 years of age to 75 years (average 48.2
years). Of each case TBSA, PBI, sudden change time, outcome were examined .
TBSA is 3-32 (average 11.2). PBI is 26-76 (average 53.8), sudden change timing injury 4th to 14th or postoperative 1st
to 13th, outcome 1 cases in five cases have been died
Burn patients have low TBSA and PBI, there is a possibility that even easily getting worse. Particularly when
complicated by infection, was easily considered caution because they may follow irreversible course when complicated by TSS.
We suggest not to hesitate to move the patients to the ICU as soon and suggest that the teamwork and cooperation of the plastic
surgery department and the ICU department are required.