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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Chem Sci J 2017

ISSN: 2150-3494 CSJ, an open access journal

Euro Chemistry 2017

May 11-13, 2017

May 11-13, 2017 Barcelona, Spain



European Chemistry Congress

Chem Sci J 2017, 8:2(Suppl)

Allium cepa.LAs Acid-Base Indicator

Gan Lui Nam , Koo Thai Hau


Ling Jia Yi

Form 6 centre of SMK Taman Johor Jaya 1, Malaysia


n this study, a facile and environmentally friendly method was reported for manufacturing of natural acid-base indicator by


Allium cepa. L

juice, which provided the anthocyannins pigment. The anthocyannins pigment was extracted via boiling

process. In detailed, the

Allium cepa. L

was cut into small fragments. Then, the small fragments of

Allium cepa. L

was boiled in

distilled water in order to extract the anthocyannin pigment. This process was followed by the addition of different solutions, acidic

solution, base solution as well as neutral solution were added into separate test tubes filled with extraction of

Allium cepa. L


The obtained

Allium cepa. L

juice was then used as the pigment for the acid-base indicator. The pH of the solution can be determined

by observing the colour change in the

Allium cepa. L

juice. The light purplish colour of

Allium cepa. L

juice turned into red colour

when added with hydrochloric acid; its purplish colour of the juice turned into yellow when added with sodium hydroxide; the

original colour of

Allium cepa. L

did not undergo any observable colour change when distilled water is added into it. The

Allium cepa.


exhibited excellent colour change property with chemical solutions. These colour changes make the

Allium cepa. L

be attractive for

applications in acid-base indicators.

Optimization and validation of non-invasive HPLC-MS/MS method for free-living ruminants stress


L Molina-Garcia


, J M Pérez


, M Sarasa


, B Ureña-Gutiérrez


, J Espinosa



C Azorit



University of Jaén, Spain


Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs (FNC), France


ildlife management and conservation can benefit from a quantified understanding of physiological response of free-ranging

animals to the various potential stressors. Non-invasive stress monitoring by fecal cortisol metabolites determination has

probed to be a powerful tool. That is, high performace liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/

MS) has emerged as the most accurate method avoiding problems related to the inespecificity and matrix effects of the so-used

immunuassays. In this work we have optimized, developed and validated a reliable method for 11-ketoetiocholanolone (11-k), a

cortisol metabolite, quantification in ruminant’s fecal samples by using and HPLC-MS/MS method. An appropiate extraction and

purification procedure was developed to take into account the complex nature of feces. The method consisted in a primary fecal

samples extraction with methanol and subsequently clean-up with hexane, followed by purification and preconcentration of targeted

metabolite with solid phase extraction (SPE). The final extract obtained was then anlyzed by HPLC-MS/MS making used of a

quadrupole-time-of-fly (Q-TOF) tandem mass spectrometer with an electrospray ionization interface operating in positive mode.

An isotope internal standard was used in order to minimize matrix effect and to compensate the alterations of the analytical signal.

After a rigurous optimization of both sample extraction and HPLC-QTOF parameters, the method was satisfactory validated and

the best conditions were stablished. Matrix-matches standards were used for the calibration of the method. The limit of detection

and quantification, refered to freeze-dried sample, were 13 and 40 μg kg-1, respectively. Recoveries in the range of 85-110% and

RSDs not higher than 15% for the complete analytical procedure, incluiding extraction and analysis, were achieved. For the best of

our knowledge, this is the first time that the hybrid Q-TOF mass detection coupled to HPLC has been employed for the fecal 11-k

quantification in ruminants. Due to the high specificity and sensitivity achieved, the method developed could be used as standard

technique for unequivocal fecal 11-k quantification not only in ruminants but also in other related species. In addition, the evaluation

of inter-individual differences of stress response could be carried out in the future in an accurate manner by using the present method,

thus reducing the effects of potential confounding factors.