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Volume 8, Issue 2 (Suppl)

Chem Sci J 2017

ISSN: 2150-3494 CSJ, an open access journal

Euro Chemistry 2017

May 11-13, 2017

May 11-13, 2017 Barcelona, Spain



European Chemistry Congress

Chem Sci J 2017, 8:2(Suppl)

Self-assembled nanomaterials for flexible photo-electronic polymer devices

Cheolmin Park

Yonsei University, Korea


elf-assembled nanostructures generated from synthetic polymer systems such as controlled polymer blends, semi-crystalline

polymers and block copolymers have gained a great attention not only because of the variety of nanostructures they can evolve but

also because of the controllability of these structures by external stimuli. In this presentation, various novel photo-electronic materials

and devices are introduced based on the solution-processed nanomaterials such as networked carbon nanotubes (CNTs), reduced

graphene oxides (rGOs) and 2 dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) with self assembled polymers including field

effect transistor, electroluminescent device, non-volatile memory and photodetector. For instance, a nanocomposite of networked

CNTs and a fluorescent polymer turned out an efficient field induced electroluminescent layer under alternating current (AC) as a

potential candidate for next generation displays and lightings. Furthermore, scalable and simple strategies employed for fabricating

rGO as well as TMD nanohybrid films allowed for high performance and mechanically flexible non-volatile polymer memories and

broad band photo-detectors, respectively.

The sorption material based on ferromanganese nodules for wastewater treatment

Olga C


Ivan Z

Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Russia


or wastewater treatment of metallurgical plants contaminated with non-ferrous metals and organic substances, it is suggested the

use of the sorbent based on ferrous-manganese nodules (FMN). FMN are oceanic mineral associations of hydroxides of iron and

manganese. They characterized by high values of porosity and surface area. FMN is a natural cation by dissociating with elimination

of H


functional groups =Mn-OH on the surface of the manganese dioxide. Cation exchange feature allows you to use such material

for the purification of process water from a variety of metals [1].

Water purification based on oxidative function of MnO


. This material allows no special oxidants needed to convert Fe


to Fe



removed from the cations iron (II).

For the reaction: 2Na



+ Me



= 2Na



+ Me



the thermodynamic description of the exchange ions of various metals, and

sodium on the surface of ferrous-manganese nodules, using the law of mass action, the modified ion exchange process. As the basic

criterion of sorption abilities cations in the preparation of the lyotropic series was taken decrease the Gibbs energy of ion exchange

are shown in table 1.The work is devoted to the study of the sorption capacity and catalytic activity of the FMN in the process of

purification of the toxic compounds [2].

Reagentless methods are the most effective and environmentally friendly for wastewater treatment. Their use prevents the

secondary pollution of water chemicals. Application of a sorbents with oxidizing function like FMN allows to continuously reduce

toxicants from wastewater. FMN could be recommended for use as an oxidant phenol and cyanide in the neutral and weakly alkaline

media. Based on the limit values of sorption constants and cations exchange function FMN could be recommended like universal
