Page 56
Volume 09
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
ISSN: 2161-0460
Epilepsy 2019
Parkinsons Congress 2019
August 29-31, 2019
August 29-31, 2019 Vienna, Austria
International Conference on
Epilepsy & Treatment
World Congress on
Parkinsons & Huntington Disease
Use of early childhood epilepsy severity scale (E-Chess) in classification and prognostication of children
with west syndrome: A study from tertiary care pediatric neurology centre
Shubhankar Mishra and Ashok Kumar Mallick
S.C.B Medical College, India
West syndrome is a type of pediatric epilepsy syndrome often associated with a grave prognosis. The
aim of this study was to evaluate clinico-radiologically cases of west syndrome, to use E-chess scoring and classify
and use it for prognostication.
Materials & Methods:
Prospective observational clinical study for 1 year in the pediatric neurology out patients
department of S.C.B Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha. Patients were included as a case of west syndrome
when they met all 3 criteria i) developmental plateau or regression, ii) epileptic spasm iii) hypsarrhythmia on
electroencephalography (EEG) who came to our centre for first time (with/without previous treatments) after
informed consent. They were classified into 3 groups by E-Chess scoring according to severity of disease.
Types E-Chess score
Total number of children included in the study was 13. Mean age of presentation was 9.4 months. Maximum
patients were males. Mean duration of the disease was 3 months. Most of the patients were having Hypoxic ischemic
sequel in MRI. 23% patients were categorized into Type-III, 31% into Type-II, 46% into Type-I. Types II, III were
drug resistant epilepsy with poor response.
West syndrome is one of the infantile epilepsy syndromes with grave prognosis. E-chess scoring is a good
and useful scoring system for classification and prognostication. This can be used in OPD basis for categorization
of west syndrome. The Type-II,III are drug resistant varieties with poor response to drugs. They should be planned
for surgical therapy.
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2019, Volume 09