Page 51
Volume 09
Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism
ISSN: 2161-0460
Epilepsy 2019
Parkinsons Congress 2019
August 29-31, 2019
August 29-31, 2019 Vienna, Austria
International Conference on
Epilepsy & Treatment
World Congress on
Parkinsons & Huntington Disease
Metabolic dysfunction underlying response of ketogenic diet in children with refractory epilepsy and
potential diagnostic and treatment approaches
Ahmed Mohamed Abdelhalim Mohamed Elsakka
Envision Foundation for Metabolic Research, Egypt
efractory epilepsy or drug-resistant epilepsy is defined as a failure of adequate trials of 2 tolerated and appropriately
chosen and used AED schedules. “Neuroscience Center, King Fahad Medical City 2011”. The most effective line
of treatment for refractory epilepsy is the ketogenic diet, however, about 20 to 30 % of the patient doesn’t respond
to KD and continue to have seizures, despite adherent to ketosis.The aim of this study to define serum biomarkers
that determined the efficacy of the ketogenic diet and to determine other metabolic cause contributing to epilepsy &
should be managed first before KD implantation.
Research Hypothesis:
Many metabolic dysfunctions can contribute to seizure activity and had an impact on KD
response, homeostasis, stress, defect in neuronal homeostasis, hyper ammonia, oxidative stress, cellular hypoxia,
homocysteinemia and epigenetics, and DNAmethylation defect all are contributing to epilepsy and must be excluded
and managed before implantation of KD.
J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism 2019, Volume 09