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Clinical Gastroenterology 2016

October 03-05, 2016

Volume 6, Issue 6(Suppl)

J Gastrointest Dig Syst

ISSN:2161-069X JGDS, an open access journal



October 03-05, 2016 Toronto, Canada



International Conference on

Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Feasibility study of a diarrhea rotavirus in pediatric hospital of Kingasani on the introduction of the

vaccine in DRC/objective 2017

J Mukwela

Researcher, Clinical Hospital Centre Kingasani II/DRC, Zaire


fter malaria, respiratory infections, and meningitis, severe diarrhea is one of the major causes of public health problems

worldwide. According to the current statistics of the WHO, the disease causes more or less 483,000 child death per year.

Children with the aforementioned age are permanent victims of this very deadly disease. Note here that the vaccine against

rotavirus gastroenteritis is already operational in some developed countries whose main objective remains that of reducing

its impact. Rotavirus diarrhea remains a paramount concern among public health problems in underdeveloped countries

and developing ones; it is the case particularly in Latin America and in sub-Saharan Africa. To get the best strategy adopted

unanimously by all parties that addictive when that resolution was to target three sentinel sites namely: our Kingasani Pediatric

Hospital, and the Pediatric Hospital Kalembe Lembe for the pool Kinshasa, including Sendwe, the hospital in Lubumbashi.

Note again that the choice made for the adoption of these three hospital sites was based on their expertise and specialties in

the care of sick children. To explain the impact of the supervision of different cases registered in our pediatric service, we will

insert data collected among children from 0 to 59 months hospitalized cases of rotavirus diarrhea. This is an exploratory study

based on semi-structured direct interviews with parents of sick children in our pediatric service. That is to say, we looked at

these parents around the inclusion criteria different registered cases. The targets of our monitoring are children aged from 0

to 59 months supported during our investigation period Pediatric Hospital Kingasani, whose population of this health area is

$236,584 in this children who suffered from rotavirus diarrhea account for 55% of the population. During the last five years,

surveillance of rotavirus has made progress in our pediatric hospital in Kingasani simply by collecting stool specimen and the

ELISA test, but also the presence of a motivated and trained staff in the site can explain this success. From August 2009 until

December 2014, we recorded 1204 cases of severe acute diarrhea. It remains to note that all these stool samples were collected

and analyzed by a test immun-Ologiegique for rotavirus, and 656 samples were positive rota virus (55%). In our study, 55% of

children hospitalized for severe rotavirus diarrhea those whose age varies between 0 and 59 months is attributed to rotavirus

infection in our sentinel site. The results show the need to introduce the vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis in our country

to help reduce the high rate of prevalence and mortality of children between 0-59 months without ignoring the death due to the

same disease. Since the seasonality is high time cases of rotavirus diarrhea, it is possible to introduce the vaccine so that it has

full coverage through synchronization throughout the country. This study is a big step in our activities in our pediatric hospital

in Kingasani since a case of an epidemic is now a global threat.

J Gastrointest Dig Syst 2016, 6:6(Suppl)