Volume 8
Journal of Biotechnology and Biomaterials
ISSN: 2155-952X
Biomaterials 2018
March 05-06, 2018
Page 40
March 05-06, 2018 | Berlin, Germany
Annual Conference and Expo on
Yongmei Zheng, J Biotechnol Biomater 2018, Volume 8
DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-087
Bioinspired surfaces with gradient micro- and nanostructures and dynamic wettability
iological surfaces create the enigmatical reality to be contributed to learning of human beings. They run cooperate between of
endlessly arranged various-style gradient micro- and nanostructures (MN) that greatly provide with excellent functions via
natural evolvement. Such biological surfaces with multi-gradient micro- and nanostructures display unique wetting functions in
nature for water collection and water repellency, which have inspired researchers to design originality of materials for promising
future. In nature, a combination of multiple gradients in a periodic spindle-knot structure take on surface of spider silk after wet-
rebuilding process in mist. This structure drives tiny water droplets directionally toward the spindle-knots for highly efficient
water collection. Inspired by the roles of gradient MNs in the water collecting ability of spider silk, a series of functional fibers
with unique wettability has been designed by various improved techniques such as dip-coating, fluid-coating, tilt-angle coating,
electrospun and self-assembly, to combine the Rayleigh instability theory. The geometrically-engineered thin fibers display a
strong water capturing ability than previously thought. The bead-on-string heterostructured fibers are capable of intelligently
responding to environmental changes in humidity. Also, a long-range gradient-step spindle-knotted fiber can be driven droplet
directionally in a long range. An electrospun fiber at micro-level can be fabricated by the self-assembly wet-rebuilt process, thus the
fiber displays strong hanging-droplet ability. The temperature or photo or roughness-responsive fibers can achieve a controlling
on droplet driving in directions, which contribute to water collection in efficiency. Besides, inspired by gradient effects on butterfly
wing and lotus leaves, the surfaces with ratchet MN, flexible lotus-like MN are fabricated successfully by improved methods,
which demonstrate that the gradient MN effect rises up distinctly anti-icing, ice-phobic and de-ice abilities. These multifunctional
materials can be designed and fabricated for promising applications such as water-collecting, anti-icing, anti-frosting, or anti-
fogging properties for practical applications in aerospace, industry and so on.
Figure 1: Illustrates the bioinspired wettability surfaces with micro- and nanostructures to control the wettability.
Yongmei Zheng
Beihang University, China