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Volume 7, Issue 4 (Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater, an open access journal

ISSN: 2155-952X

Bio America 2017

October 19-20, 2017

October 19-20, 2017 | New York, USA



Biotechnology Congress

Causes of dampness in residential building walls in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State, Nigeria: Emphasis on

microbial concentrations, biodegradation and health hazards

Kalada Itelima


, Janet U Itelima



Director, Kalite Associate


University of Jos, Nigeria

Statement of Problem

: Damp houses can be unhealthy and costly to remedy. Knowing more about the problems can reduce the

worry and expense. Most dampness problems can be cured or minimized by simple remedial work but a few will need substantial

outlays. In many instances, dampness in your home may not be present all year round and, depending on the source, may only

become evident after a change in weather conditions, usually during the colder or wetter months or after periods of heavy or extreme

rainfall. Jos Plateau is located on the North Central region of Nigeria. It is relatively undulating plain bounded by mountainous ridges.

The prevailing climatic situation of the study area hinges upon alternate seasons of hot and cold weather conditions interspersed with

an average period of about 6 months of rainfall, with July and August being the peak period. Dampness is the wetting of structural

elements through moisture rise by capillary action. Dampness is one of the most serious structural defects in walls of buildings.

Dampness in walls spoils paints and interior decorations, encourages the growth of bacteria and moulds, hampers aesthetics, and

poses a threat to health of occupants through providing breeding conditions for mosquitoes. Dampness undermines structural

integrity of wall elements, reduces thermal insulation property of building of building materials as well as affects the comfort not the

occupants. Dampness causes damages to both structural and building materials and reconstruction efforts can be enormous. This

study aimed at investigating the causes of dampness in the walls of some of residential buildings within Jos metropolis, Plateau State,


Methodology & Theoretical Orientation

: The causes were diagnosed through tests, physical inspections and oral interviews. Oral

interviews were held with the occupants of 500 randomly selected buildings in the study area. Fifty construction sites were also

randomly selected for detailed study of the constructional practices and material adopted in building constructions within the study

area. The fungi associated with the damped houses were also considered.


Results identified that about 80% of the houses investigated had damping defects at various degrees. Concentrations of

fungi bacteria associated with the damp walls:

Aspergillus spp

. (55%),

Penicillium spp


Trichoderma sp

(12%), and



. (9%), while viable concentrations of Bacteria were <100 cfu/m


from damp houses. The microbial concentrations of none damp

houses varies between 60%-70%.

Conclusion & Significance:

The results also showed that rising damp through defective damp-proof membranes and efflorescence

on walling unit serve as the major causes of dampness in residential building walls. Appropriate recommendations were made as

preventive and remedial measures to the problem. For example, research shows that people living in well-insulated and adequately

ventilated accommodation are less likely to visit their doctor or be admitted to hospital due to respiratory conditions than those living

in damp homes.


Kalada Itelima qualified as an Architect from Rivers State University of Science and Technology Rivers State, Nigeria. He is presently the Director of Kalite Associate Nigeria.

He has participated in conferences where he was actively involved in home and abroad. He is also involved in designing, building construction and consultancy services.

He is giving community services in Jos Plateau, Nigeria, where he is residing and to other parts of the country

Kalada Itelima et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2017, 7:4 (Suppl)

DOI: 10.4172/2155-952X-C1-080