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Volume 6, Issue 8 (Suppl)

J Biotechnol Biomater

ISSN: 2155-952X JBTBM, an open access journal

Bio America 2016

November 28-30, 2016

November 28-30, 2016 San Francisco, USA



Biotechnology Congress

Deep sequencing of root endophyte

Piriformospora indica

grown under salt stress

Nivedita Lal, M.Z. Abdin

Jamia Hamdard, India


iriformospora indica

, a filamentous fungus of the order Sebacinales, is able to make symbiotic interaction with root of different

plant species and provides better growth and higher yield to the host plant as well as resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses.

High soil salinity, excess of NaCl is one of the important environmental factors that limits distribution and productivity of major

crops. The need to produce crops with enhanced tolerance to salt stress has been the stimulus for research.

P. indica

-mediated salt

tolerance mechanism was found to be linked strongly with increase in antioxidants under salt stress in barley which attenuates the

NaCl-induced lipid peroxidation, metabolic heat efflux and fatty acid desaturation in barley leaves. Salt stress studies have indicated

promising effect of

P. indica

in barley. Therefore, it is vital to isolate and functionally characterize salinity stress-related genes to

elucidate the mechanisms underlying halotolerance and develop salinity stress-tolerant plants. We have compared the transcriptome


P. indica

growing under high salt conditions (0.5 MNaCl) with salt free conditions as a control. Approximately 30-40 million 76 bp

paired-end reads per sample were obtained using an Illumina NextSeq 500. RNA-seq analysis was performed using Bowtie/TopHat/

Cufflinks software pipeline. Total 15410 unigenes were generated with N50 value of 3038. A total of 13461 differentially expressed

genes (fold change ≥2) were identified and 2646 genes were down-regulated while 2446 genes were up-regulated under high salt

condition. We found that the genes involved in different cellular processes, such as metabolism, energy and biosynthetic processes,

DNA repair, regulation of protein turnover, transport and salt stress tolerance were changed under high salt condition. RNA-seq and

pathway analyses found that salt stressed

P. indica

have significant differences in gene expression. Our results showed the complex

mechanism of

P. indica

adaption to salt stress and it was a systematic work for endophyte to cope with the high salinity environmental

problems. Thus, these results could be helpful for further investigation of the salt resistance mechanism in microbes.


Nivedita Lal has completed her PhD in Plant Molecular Biology at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Currently, she is working on her DST young

scientist project (

P. indica

interaction under salt stress) as a PI (Postdoctoral Fellow) at Jaima Hamdard, New Delhi. She has participated in various national and

international conferences. She is interested in continuing research career in plant-microbe interaction to understand how the plant-microbe relation regulates plant

development and defense response against various stresses.

Nivedita Lal et al., J Biotechnol Biomater 2016, 6:8(Suppl)